Thread: pgsql: Fix some more bugs in signal handlers and process shutdown logic

pgsql: Fix some more bugs in signal handlers and process shutdown logic

Tom Lane
Fix some more bugs in signal handlers and process shutdown logic.

WalSndKill was doing things exactly backwards: it should first clear
MyWalSnd (to stop signal handlers from touching MyWalSnd->latch),
then disown the latch, and only then mark the WalSnd struct unused by
clearing its pid field.

Also, WalRcvSigUsr1Handler and worker_spi_sighup failed to preserve
errno, which is surely a requirement for any signal handler.

Per discussion of recent buildfarm failures.  Back-patch as far
as the relevant code exists.



Modified Files
contrib/worker_spi/worker_spi.c       |    6 +++++-
src/backend/replication/walreceiver.c |    4 ++++
src/backend/replication/walsender.c   |   18 ++++++++++++------
3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)