Thread: pgsql: Fix assorted bogosities in cash_in() and cash_out().

pgsql: Fix assorted bogosities in cash_in() and cash_out().

Tom Lane
Fix assorted bogosities in cash_in() and cash_out().

cash_out failed to handle multiple-byte thousands separators, as per bug
#6277 from Alexander Law.  In addition, cash_in didn't handle that either,
nor could it handle multiple-byte positive_sign.  Both routines failed to
support multiple-byte mon_decimal_point, which I did not think was worth
changing, but at least now they check for the possibility and fall back to
using '.' rather than emitting invalid output.  Also, make cash_in handle
trailing negative signs, which formerly it would reject.  Since cash_out
generates trailing negative signs whenever the locale tells it to, this
last omission represents a fail-to-reload-dumped-data bug.  IMO that
justifies patching this all the way back.



Modified Files
src/backend/utils/adt/cash.c |  204 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
1 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)