Thread: pgsql-server/src backend/utils/adt/float.c bac ...

pgsql-server/src backend/utils/adt/float.c bac ...

From (Neil Conway)
CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql-server
Changes by:    04/03/10 22:11:14

Modified files:
    src/backend/utils/adt: float.c int8.c numutils.c oid.c
    src/test/regress/expected: float4.out float8.out int2.out
                               int4.out int8.out numeric.out oid.out
    src/test/regress/output: misc.source
    src/test/regress/sql: float4.sql float8.sql int2.sql int4.sql
                          int8.sql numeric.sql oid.sql

Log message:
    Revise int2/int4/int8/float4/float8 input routines to allow for
    any amount of leading or trailing whitespace (where "whitespace"
    is defined by isspace()). This is for SQL conformance, as well
    as consistency with other numeric types (e.g. oid, numeric).

    Also refactor pg_atoi() to avoid looking at errno where not
    necessary, and add a bunch of regression tests for the input
    to these types.