Thread: pgsql-server/ ontrib/intagg/int_aggregate.c oc ...

pgsql-server/ ontrib/intagg/int_aggregate.c oc ...

From (Tom Lane)
CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql-server
Changes by:    03/05/02 16:54:36

Modified files:
    contrib/intagg : int_aggregate.c
    doc/src/sgml/ref: postgres-ref.sgml
    src/backend/access/transam: xact.c
    src/backend/commands: cluster.c indexcmds.c portalcmds.c
                          prepare.c vacuum.c
    src/backend/executor: execQual.c spi.c tstoreReceiver.c
    src/backend/nodes: copyfuncs.c equalfuncs.c outfuncs.c
    src/backend/optimizer/geqo: geqo_eval.c
    src/backend/parser: analyze.c
    src/backend/rewrite: rewriteHandler.c
    src/backend/tcop: fastpath.c postgres.c pquery.c utility.c
    src/backend/utils/mmgr: mcxt.c portalmem.c
    src/include/catalog: catversion.h
    src/include/commands: portalcmds.h
    src/include/executor: spi_priv.h
    src/include/nodes: parsenodes.h
    src/include/tcop: pquery.h tcopprot.h utility.h
    src/include/utils: memutils.h portal.h

Log message:
    Portal and memory management infrastructure for extended query protocol.
    Both plannable queries and utility commands are now always executed
    within Portals, which have been revamped so that they can handle the
    load (they used to be good only for single SELECT queries).  Restructure
    code to push command-completion-tag selection logic out of postgres.c,
    so that it won't have to be duplicated between simple and extended queries.
    initdb forced due to addition of a field to Query nodes.