Thread: pgsql-server/ oc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml rc/bac ...

pgsql-server/ oc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml rc/bac ...

From (Tom Lane)
CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql-server
Changes by:    02/08/24 11:00:47

Modified files:
    doc/src/sgml   : catalogs.sgml
    src/backend/access/common: heaptuple.c indextuple.c printtup.c
    src/backend/catalog: pg_type.c
    src/backend/commands: analyze.c copy.c tablecmds.c
    src/backend/executor: nodeHash.c
    src/backend/nodes: copyfuncs.c
    src/backend/tcop: fastpath.c
    src/backend/utils/adt: datum.c format_type.c pseudotypes.c
    src/backend/utils/sort: tuplesort.c
    src/bin/psql   : describe.c
    src/include/access: tupmacs.h
    src/include/catalog: catversion.h pg_type.h
    src/interfaces/libpq: fe-exec.c
    src/pl/plpgsql/src: pl_exec.c
    src/test/regress/expected: type_sanity.out
    src/test/regress/sql: type_sanity.sql

Log message:
    The cstring datatype can now be copied, passed around, etc.  The typlen
    value '-2' is used to indicate a variable-width type whose width is
    computed as strlen(datum)+1.  Everything that looks at typlen is updated
    except for array support, which Joe Conway is working on; at the moment
    it wouldn't work to try to create an array of cstring.