Thread: pgsql/src/interfaces/odbc bind.c bind.h connec ...

pgsql/src/interfaces/odbc bind.c bind.h connec ...

From (Hiroshi Inoue)
CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    02/05/22 01:51:03

Modified files:
    src/interfaces/odbc: bind.c bind.h connection.c connection.h
                         convert.c descriptor.h dlg_specific.c
                         environ.c execute.c info.c info30.c misc.c
                         misc.h odbcapi.c odbcapi30.c odbcapi30w.c
                         options.c parse.c pgapi30.c pgapifunc.h
                         pgtypes.c psqlodbc.h psqlodbc.rc qresult.c
                         qresult.h results.c statement.c statement.h

Log message:
    1) Support Keyset Driven driver cursors.
    2) Supprt ARD precision/scale and SQL_C_NUEMRIC.
    3) Minimal implementation of SQLGetDiagField().
    4) SQLRowCount() reports the result of SQLSetPos and SQLBulkOperation.
    5) int8 -> SQL_NUMERIC for Microsoft Jet.
    6) Support isolation level change.
    7) ODBC3.0 SQLSTATE code.
    8) Append mode log files.