Thread: pgsql/src/backend commands/command.c commands/ ...

pgsql/src/backend commands/command.c commands/ ...

CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    02/01/03 18:21:33

Modified files:
    src/backend/commands: command.c indexcmds.c trigger.c
    src/backend/parser: analyze.c
    src/backend/tcop: utility.c

Log message:
    Require ownership permission for CREATE INDEX, per bug report.
    Disallow CREATE INDEX on system catalogs, non-tables (views, sequences, etc).
    Disallow CREATE/DROP TRIGGER on system catalogs, non-tables.
    Disallow ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP CONSTRAINT on system catalogs.
    Disallow FOREIGN KEY reference to non-table.
    None of these things can actually work in the present system structure,
    but the code was letting them pass without complaint.