Thread: pgsql/src backend/catalog/catalog.c backend/ut ...

pgsql/src backend/catalog/catalog.c backend/ut ...

CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/11/16 18:30:35

Modified files:
    src/backend/catalog: catalog.c
    src/backend/utils/adt: acl.c
    src/backend/utils/cache: inval.c
    src/include/catalog: catalog.h

Log message:
    IsSystemRelationName() treats TOAST relations as system relations.
    This seems the right thing for most usages, but I notice two places
    where it is the wrong thing.  One is that the default permissions on
    TOAST rels should be no-access, not world-readable; the other is that
    PrepareForTupleInvalidation doesn't really need to spend time looking
    at tuples of TOAST relations.