Thread: pgsql/ oc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml rc/backend/pa ...

pgsql/ oc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml rc/backend/pa ...

CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/11/12 16:04:46

Modified files:
    doc/src/sgml   : datatype.sgml
    src/backend/parser: analyze.c gram.y
    src/backend/utils/adt: format_type.c

Log message:
    Tweak parser so that there is a defined representation for datatypes
    bpchar, bit, numeric with typmod -1.  Alter format_type so that this
    representation is printed when the typmod is -1.  This ensures that
    tables having such columns can be pg_dump'd and reloaded correctly.
    Also, remove the rather useless and non-SQL-compliant default
    precision and scale for type NUMERIC.  A numeric column declared as
    such (with no precision/scale) will now have typmod -1 which means
    that numeric values of any precision/scale can be stored in it,
    without conversion to a uniform scale.  This seems significantly
    more useful than the former behavior.  Part of response to bug #513.