Thread: pgsql/src backend/access/transam/xact.c backen ...

pgsql/src backend/access/transam/xact.c backen ...

CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/10/18 13:30:21

Modified files:
    src/backend/access/transam: xact.c
    src/backend/commands: variable.c
    src/backend/nodes: copyfuncs.c equalfuncs.c
    src/backend/parser: gram.y
    src/backend/tcop: utility.c
    src/backend/utils/adt: date.c datetime.c nabstime.c timestamp.c
    src/include/access: xact.h
    src/include/catalog: catversion.h pg_proc.h
    src/include/commands: variable.h
    src/include/nodes: parsenodes.h
    src/include/utils: date.h nabstime.h timestamp.h
    src/interfaces/odbc: convert.c
    src/test/regress/expected: horology.out timestamp.out
    src/test/regress/sql: horology.sql

Log message:
    Accept an INTERVAL argument for SET TIME ZONE per SQL99.
    Modified the parser and the SET handlers to use full Node structures
    rather than simply a character string argument.
    Implement INTERVAL() YEAR TO MONTH (etc) syntax per SQL99.
    Does not yet accept the goofy string format that goes along with, but
    this should be fairly straight forward to fix now as a bug or later
    as a feature.
    Implement precision for the INTERVAL() type.
    Use the typmod mechanism for both of INTERVAL features.
    Fix the INTERVAL syntax in the parser:
    opt_interval was in the wrong place.
    INTERVAL is now a reserved word, otherwise we get reduce/reduce errors.
    Implement an explicit date_part() function for TIMETZ.
    Should fix coersion problem with INTERVAL reported by Peter E.
    Fix up some error messages for date/time types.
    Use all caps for type names within message.
    Fix recently introduced side-effect bug disabling 'epoch' as a recognized
    field for date_part() etc. Reported by Peter E. (??)
    Bump catalog version number.
    Rename "microseconds" current transaction time field
    from ...Msec to ...Usec. Duh!
    date/time regression tests updated for reference platform, but a few
    changes will be necessary for others.