CVSROOT: /cvsroot
Module name: pgsql
Changes by: 01/10/03 16:54:22
Modified files:
doc/src/sgml/ref: comment.sgml drop_aggregate.sgml
src/backend/commands: comment.c remove.c
src/backend/parser: analyze.c gram.y
src/bin/pg_dump: common.c pg_dump.c pg_dump.h
src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc: preproc.y
src/test/regress/expected: errors.out
src/test/regress/sql: drop.sql errors.sql
src/tutorial : complex.source
Log message:
DROP AGGREGATE and COMMENT ON AGGREGATE now accept the expected syntax
'aggname (aggtype)'. The old syntax 'aggname aggtype' is still accepted
for backwards compatibility. Fix pg_dump, which was actually broken for
most cases of user-defined aggregates. Clean up error messages associated
with these commands.