Thread: pgsql/src/test/regress parallel_schedule seria ...
CVSROOT: /cvsroot Module name: pgsql Changes by: 01/09/28 04:00:11 Modified files: src/test/regress: parallel_schedule serial_schedule src/test/regress/expected: abstime.out geometry.out horology.out opr_sanity.out rules.out time.out timestamp.out tinterval.out src/test/regress/output: misc.source src/test/regress/sql: abstime.sql horology.sql opr_sanity.sql time.sql timestamp.sql tinterval.sql Added files: src/test/regress/expected: timestamptz.out timetz.out src/test/regress/sql: timestamptz.sql timetz.sql Log message: Add separate regression tests for timetz and the new timestamptz type. Modify the timestamp test to reflect the "no time zone" behavior of this new code; timestamptz resembles the old timestamp code.