Thread: pgsql/ oc/src/sgml/backup.sgml oc/src/sgml/wal ...

pgsql/ oc/src/sgml/backup.sgml oc/src/sgml/wal ...

Tom Lane
CVSROOT:    /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/08/25 14:52:43

Modified files:
    doc/src/sgml   : backup.sgml wal.sgml
    src/backend/access/transam: Makefile rmgr.c transam.c varsup.c
                                xact.c xlog.c xlogutils.c
    src/backend/catalog: Makefile heap.c
    src/backend/parser: gram.y
    src/backend/storage/buffer: README
    src/backend/storage/ipc: ipci.c sinval.c
    src/backend/storage/lmgr: lmgr.c
    src/backend/utils/cache: relcache.c
    src/backend/utils/init: globals.c postinit.c
    src/backend/utils/misc: database.c
    src/backend/utils/time: tqual.c
    src/bin/initdb :
    src/bin/pg_dump: pg_upgrade
    src/include/access: rmgr.h transam.h xact.h xlog.h xlogdefs.h
    src/include/catalog: catname.h catversion.h pg_attribute.h
                         pg_class.h pg_type.h
    src/include/storage: bufpage.h
Added files:
    src/backend/access/transam: clog.c
    src/include/access: clog.h
Removed files:
    src/backend/access/transam: transsup.c
    src/include/catalog: pg_log.h

Log message:
    Replace implementation of pg_log as a relation accessed through the
    buffer manager with 'pg_clog', a specialized access method modeled
    on pg_xlog.  This simplifies startup (don't need to play games to
    open pg_log; among other things, OverrideTransactionSystem goes away),
    should improve performance a little, and opens the door to recycling
    commit log space by removing no-longer-needed segments of the commit
    log.  Actual recycling is not there yet, but I felt I should commit
    this part separately since it'd still be useful if we chose not to
    do transaction ID wraparound.