Thread: pgsql/ ontrib/dbase/dbf.c ontrib/pg_resetxlog/ ...

pgsql/ ontrib/dbase/dbf.c ontrib/pg_resetxlog/ ...

Tom Lane
CVSROOT:    /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/06/06 13:07:47

Modified files:
    contrib/dbase  : dbf.c
    contrib/pg_resetxlog: pg_resetxlog.c
    src/backend/access/transam: xlog.c
    src/backend/storage/file: fd.c
    src/backend/storage/smgr: md.c
    src/backend/utils/init: miscinit.c

Log message:
    Adjust WAL code so that checkpoints truncate the xlog at the previous
    checkpoint's redo pointer, not its undo pointer, per discussion in
    pghackers a few days ago.  No point in hanging onto undo information
    until we have the ability to do something with it --- and this solves
    a rather large problem with log space for long-running transactions.
    Also, change all calls of write() to detect the case where write
    returned a count less than requested, but failed to set errno.
    Presume that this situation indicates ENOSPC, and give the appropriate
    error message, rather than a random message associated with the previous
    value of errno.