Thread: pgsql/src include/optimizer/paths.h backend/op ...

pgsql/src include/optimizer/paths.h backend/op ...

Tom Lane
CVSROOT:    /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/06/05 13:13:52

Modified files:
    src/include/optimizer: paths.h
    src/backend/optimizer/path: allpaths.c indxpath.c orindxpath.c

Log message:
    Improve planning of OR indexscan plans: for quals like
    WHERE (a = 1 or a = 2) and b = 42
    and an index on (a,b), include the clause b = 42 in the indexquals
    generated for each arm of the OR clause.  Essentially this is an index-
    driven conversion from CNF to DNF.  Implementation is a bit klugy, but
    better than not exploiting the extra quals at all ...