Thread: pgsql/doc/src/sgml Makefile biblio.sgml catalo ...

pgsql/doc/src/sgml Makefile biblio.sgml catalo ...

Thomas Lockhart
CVSROOT:    /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/04/20 11:52:33

Modified files:
    doc/src/sgml   : Makefile biblio.sgml catalogs.sgml charset.sgml
                     docguide.sgml func.sgml geqo.sgml
                     libpgeasy.sgml mvcc.sgml user-manag.sgml

Log message:
    Final markup for 7.1 hardcopy release. Mostly typo and table-fitting
    adjustments. Note that many tables are being abused with *really* long
    description columns. Should probably shrink those columns to be more
    concise, and move some of the info to follow-on reference notes.