Thread: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan initsplan.c

pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan initsplan.c

Tom Lane
CVSROOT:    /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/04/16 15:44:10

Modified files:
    src/backend/optimizer/plan: initsplan.c

Log message:
    Avoid reversing user-given order of WHERE clauses while attaching clauses
    to specific base or join RelOptInfo nodes during planning.  This preserves
    the more-intuitive behavior of 7.0.* --- if you write an expensive clause
    (such as a sub-select) last, it should get evaluated last.  Someday we
    ought to try to have some intelligence about the order of evaluation of
    WHERE clauses, but for now we should not override what the user wrote.