Thread: pgsql/src include/utils/excid.h include/utils/ ...

pgsql/src include/utils/excid.h include/utils/ ...

Tom Lane
CVSROOT:    /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/02/05 20:53:53

Modified files:
    src/include/utils: excid.h memutils.h
    src/backend/utils/error: excid.c
    src/backend/utils/mmgr: mcxt.c

Log message:
    Out-of-bounds memory allocation request sizes should be treated as just
    elog(ERROR) not an Assert trap, since we've downgraded out-of-memory to
    elog(ERROR) not a fatal error.  Also, change the hard boundary from 256Mb
    to 1Gb, just so that anyone who's actually got that much memory to spare
    can play with TOAST objects approaching a gigabyte.