Thread: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer path/allpaths.c pl ...

pgsql/src/backend/optimizer path/allpaths.c pl ...

Tom Lane
CVSROOT:    /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql
Changes by:    01/01/18 02:12:38

Modified files:
    src/backend/optimizer/path: allpaths.c
    src/backend/optimizer/plan: planner.c

Log message:
    Fix performance issue with qualifications on VIEWs: outer query should
    try to push restrictions on the view down into the view subquery,
    so that they can become indexscan quals or what-have-you rather than
    being applied at the top level of the subquery.  7.0 and before were
    able to do this, though in a much klugier way, and I'd hate to have
    anyone complaining that 7.1 is stupider than 7.0 ...