Thread: pgsql/src/interfaces/odbc (connection.c options.c statement.c)

pgsql/src/interfaces/odbc (connection.c options.c statement.c)

Thomas Lockhart
  Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 @ 10:15:52
Author: thomas

Update of /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/odbc

Modified Files:
    connection.c options.c statement.c

-----------------------------  Log Message  -----------------------------

From Zoltan Kovacs back in April (sorry for the delay Zoltan!):

I modified the current ODBC driver for

* referential integrity error reporting,
* SELECT in transactions and
* disabling autocommit.

I tested these changes with Borland C++ Builder -> ODBCExpress ->
WinODBC driver (DLL) -> Postgres 7.0beta1 and Borland C++ Builder -> BDE ->
WinODBC driver (DLL) -> Postgres 7.0beta1. The patch is based on snapshot of
22th April (I don't think that someone has modified it since that: Byron
hasn't gave any sign of living for about a month and I didn't find any
comments about the ODBC driver on the list).