Thread: Help for converting Oracle Script

Help for converting Oracle Script

"Sawant, Nandu"



I have following Oracle script and trying to convert it for Postgres syntax:


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

prompt Enter value for monyy  (Month Year; Ex-mar02 indicating March 2002)


define MONYY = &monyy


spool create_new_lerg_&MONYY._accounts.lst


prompt create user acc_&MONYY.


create user acc_&MONYY.

  identified by lerg

  temporary tablespace temp

  default   tablespace prices

  quota unlimited on   prices;


grant normal to acc_&MONYY.;

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


If I enter mar02 as a input for the defined variable MONYY, then it creates the ACC_MAR02 user in the database.  Is there any equivalent for “define” statement in Postgres?  Your help is appreciated.





Re: Help for converting Oracle Script

Robert Treat
On Monday 24 October 2005 15:33, Sawant, Nandu wrote:
> Hello,
> I have following Oracle script and trying to convert it for Postgres
> syntax:
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> prompt Enter value for monyy  (Month Year; Ex-mar02 indicating March
> 2002)
> define MONYY = &monyy
> spool create_new_lerg_&MONYY._accounts.lst
> prompt create user acc_&MONYY.
> create user acc_&MONYY.
>   identified by lerg
>   temporary tablespace temp
>   default   tablespace prices
>   quota unlimited on   prices;
> grant normal to acc_&MONYY.;
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> If I enter mar02 as a input for the defined variable MONYY, then it
> creates the ACC_MAR02 user in the database.  Is there any equivalent for
> "define" statement in Postgres?  Your help is appreciated.

I don't think there is a natural equivilant for that in PostgreSQL. More to
the point though, this mailing list is no longer active, so if you want real
help, try posting to pgsql-general.

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL