Thread: BUG #13805: plpgsql execute using expression evaluate wrong

BUG #13805: plpgsql execute using expression evaluate wrong

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      13805
Logged by:          Jov
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.4.5
Operating system:   CentOS 6

test case:

LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
n int = 4;
rt timestamp[];
rt2 interval;
execute $$select array_agg(g.i) from generate_series(now() - ('$1
month')::interval,now(),'1 month') g(i)$$ into r
t using n;
raise notice 'rt : %',rt;

execute $$select array_agg(g.i) from generate_series(now() - ($1::varchar ||
' month')::interval,now(),'1 month')
g(i)$$ into rt using n;
raise notice 'rt : %',rt;

execute $$select ('$1 month')::interval $$ into rt2 using n;
raise notice 'rt2 : %',rt2;

execute $$select ($1::varchar || ' month')::interval $$ into rt2 using n;
raise notice 'rt2 : %',rt2;

No changes
db_001=# select * from test();
NOTICE: rt : {"2015-11-08 11:46:28.500811","2015-12-08
11:46:28.500811"}-----wrong answer,should 4 elements
NOTICE: rt : {"2015-08-08 11:46:28.500811","2015-09-08
11:46:28.500811","2015-10-08 11:46:28.500811","2015-11-08
11:46:28.500811","2015-12-08 11:46:28.500811"}
NOTICE: rt2 : 1 mon-----wrong,should 4 mons
NOTICE: rt2 : 4 mons

(1 row)

Re: BUG #13805: plpgsql execute using expression evaluate wrong

David Gould
On Tue, 08 Dec 2015 03:54:44 +0000 wrote:

> execute $$select ('$1 month')::interval $$ into rt2 using n;
> raise notice 'rt2 : %',rt2;
> execute $$select ($1::varchar || ' month')::interval $$ into rt2 using n;
> raise notice 'rt2 : %',rt2;
> end;

> NOTICE: rt2 : 1 mon-----wrong=EF=BC=8Cshould 4 mons
> NOTICE: rt2 : 4 mons

You may have found a bug, but if so, it is not where you think it is. The
expression: '$1 month' is a text literal. PL/PGsql does not interpolate $n
like a shell, it only does the substitution where a variable could
ordinarily exist.

However, it does seem a little odd that the literal syntax for
intervals accepts the '$':

postgres=3D# select '$1 month'::interval, '$4 month'::interval;
 interval | interval=20
 1 mon    | 4 mons
(1 row)

I would have expected it to raise an error. The documentation does not shed
any light on this. Anyone?


David Gould              510 282 0869
If simplicity worked, the world would be overrun with insects.

Re: BUG #13805: plpgsql execute using expression evaluate wrong

Yes,I think this trigger an error is reasonable.It take me 2 hours to find
the problem,not friendly.

blog: <>

2015-12-08 14:08 GMT+08:00 David Gould <>:

> On Tue, 08 Dec 2015 03:54:44 +0000
> wrote:
> > execute $$select ('$1 month')::interval $$ into rt2 using n;
> > raise notice 'rt2 : %',rt2;
> >
> > execute $$select ($1::varchar || ' month')::interval $$ into rt2 using =
> > raise notice 'rt2 : %',rt2;
> > end;
> > NOTICE: rt2 : 1 mon-----wrong=EF=BC=8Cshould 4 mons
> > NOTICE: rt2 : 4 mons
> You may have found a bug, but if so, it is not where you think it is. The
> expression: '$1 month' is a text literal. PL/PGsql does not interpolate $=
> like a shell, it only does the substitution where a variable could
> ordinarily exist.
> However, it does seem a little odd that the literal syntax for
> intervals accepts the '$':
> postgres=3D# select '$1 month'::interval, '$4 month'::interval;
>  interval | interval
> ----------+----------
>  1 mon    | 4 mons
> (1 row)
> I would have expected it to raise an error. The documentation does not sh=
> any light on this. Anyone?
> -dg
> --
> David Gould              510 282 0869
> If simplicity worked, the world would be overrun with insects.

Re: BUG #13805: plpgsql execute using expression evaluate wrong

Tom Lane
David Gould <> writes:
> However, it does seem a little odd that the literal syntax for
> intervals accepts the '$':
> ...
> I would have expected it to raise an error. The documentation does not shed
> any light on this. Anyone?

The datetime input parser tends to consider most non-alphanumeric
characters as being insignificant except as field separators.  We could
tighten that up, but I think we should tread pretty carefully for fear of
breaking cases that used to work.  A trivial example:

regression=# select '1 mon 1 day'::interval;
 1 mon 1 day
(1 row)

regression=# select '1 mon, 1 day'::interval;
 1 mon 1 day
(1 row)

If we started to reject the second case, we'd likely get complaints.
But the parser doesn't see that as any different from

regression=# select '1 mon$ 1 day'::interval;
 1 mon 1 day
(1 row)

Trying to decide which characters are legitimate noise and which
aren't seems like a tarbaby best not to get stuck to :-(

            regards, tom lane

Re: BUG #13805: plpgsql execute using expression evaluate wrong

David Gould
On Tue, 08 Dec 2015 01:36:39 -0500
Tom Lane <> wrote:

> The datetime input parser tends to consider most non-alphanumeric
> characters as being insignificant except as field separators.  We could
> tighten that up, but I think we should tread pretty carefully for fear of
> breaking cases that used to work.  A trivial example:
> regression=# select '1 mon$ 1 day'::interval;
>   interval
> -------------
>  1 mon 1 day
> (1 row)
> Trying to decide which characters are legitimate noise and which
> aren't seems like a tarbaby best not to get stuck to :-(

# select '#!1!#month,?=~&(12$[day*() '::interval;
 1 mon 12 days
(1 row)

I feel so ... dirty....


David Gould              510 282 0869
If simplicity worked, the world would be overrun with insects.

Re: BUG #13805: plpgsql execute using expression evaluate wrong

Terje Elde
> On 08 Dec 2015, at 07:36, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Trying to decide which characters are legitimate noise and which
> aren't seems like a tarbaby best not to get stuck to :-(

I'd like to argue that if you need PostgreSQL-native time from a string, and=
 want more control and verification, that's probably something that's best l=
eft to the application anyway.

I fail to see how PostgreSQL can reasonably be made to be "perfect" for all p=
ossible cases of dirty input being casted to interval.

The application is in a much better position to deal with this, presumably k=
nowing more about the input, and being a cleaner place to put any parsing an=
d handling.=20

=46rom there, it can be passed to PostgreSQL either as a native interval obj=
ect, or a cleaned up string.=20

In other words, I agree about not changing the behavior.=20

That said, I do wonder if it could be worthwhile to consider having an optio=
n to trigger a notice or error upon dirty bytes getting skipped, as a way of=
 declaring "all input should be clean (now), please accept nothing less". Th=
e again, that certainly falls outside the scope of -bugs@.=20
