Thread: schema-only pg_dump inconsistently dumps some view definitions

schema-only pg_dump inconsistently dumps some view definitions

Keith Fiske
Ran into a weird issue with pg_dump outputting an odd definition for a
view. First, the view definition

If a pg_dump -s or pg_dumpall -s for the entire database is used, it
outputs the view definition as a table with an ALTER TABLE statement
related to logical replication followed by the "_RETURN" rule later on in
the dump file. I've come to find out that this is how views are done
internally, but seeing it in the pg_dump was odd.

However, if just the table (using -t) or just the schema containing the
table (using -n) is used with pg_dump, the normal view definition is output

Reason we ran into this is because the client has a process that splits the
full plaintext schema dump up into separate steps for some internal
processes, and the "table" format of the dump breaks it. This is the only
view in the entire database that has this issue. Below are some catalog
entries but from what I can tell, things seem normal. And restoring the
whole dump file using psql works fine and recreates it as a normal view.
We've also tried recreating the view from scratch and it still does this.

So, while this does not break a normal dump/restore of a database, it does
appear to be inconsistent with how a view definition is normally dumped out.

Keith Fiske
Database Administrator
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.

Re: schema-only pg_dump inconsistently dumps some view definitions

Keith Fiske
On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Keith Fiske <> wrote:

> Ran into a weird issue with pg_dump outputting an odd definition for a
> view. First, the view definition
> If a pg_dump -s or pg_dumpall -s for the entire database is used, it
> outputs the view definition as a table with an ALTER TABLE statement
> related to logical replication followed by the "_RETURN" rule later on in
> the dump file. I've come to find out that this is how views are done
> internally, but seeing it in the pg_dump was odd.
> However, if just the table (using -t) or just the schema containing the
> table (using -n) is used with pg_dump, the normal view definition is output
> Reason we ran into this is because the client has a process that splits
> the full plaintext schema dump up into separate steps for some internal
> processes, and the "table" format of the dump breaks it. This is the only
> view in the entire database that has this issue. Below are some catalog
> entries but from what I can tell, things seem normal. And restoring the
> whole dump file using psql works fine and recreates it as a normal view.
> We've also tried recreating the view from scratch and it still does this.
> So, while this does not break a normal dump/restore of a database, it does
> appear to be inconsistent with how a view definition is normally dumped out.
> --
> Keith Fiske
> Database Administrator
> OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.

Sorry, forgot to mention this is PostgreSQL 9.4.5

Keith Fiske
Database Administrator
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.

Re: schema-only pg_dump inconsistently dumps some view definitions

Tom Lane
Keith Fiske <> writes:
> Ran into a weird issue with pg_dump outputting an odd definition for a
> view. First, the view definition
> If a pg_dump -s or pg_dumpall -s for the entire database is used, it
> outputs the view definition as a table with an ALTER TABLE statement
> related to logical replication followed by the "_RETURN" rule later on in
> the dump file.

pg_dump does that when it's trying to break a circular dependency;
that is, there is something referenced in the view definition that
cannot be defined before the view exists.  The typical thing I've
seen is a view defined in terms of a function that takes or returns
the view's named rowtype.

It's not real clear why it's doing it here, though if you can submit
a self-contained test case we could take a look.  I suspect though
that the answer will be "not a bug".

There's been some speculation about revising pg_dump so that what
it puts out in such cases involves a dummy view definition followed
later by CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW.  No one's gotten around to writing
a patch for that though, and I rather imagine that it would break
unsuspecting tools anyway :-(

            regards, tom lane