Thread: Locale breaks psql

Locale breaks psql

abdulrahman Alotaibi
Hello all,

I am using PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on Ubuntu Trusty-64. My machine has LC_* set
to en_GB.UTF-8 and I used the attached VagrantFile to create the machine
and provision using Ansible. Postgres was installed on seven other
machines and kept breaking on two machines. After checking for two days,
I found that my colleague's machine had locale set to en_AU.UTF-8 and my
machine had locale set to en_GB.UTF-8. I changed both machines to use
en_US.UTF-8 as a default locale and it worked.

The error I was getting when I ran psql after switching to postgres user
was "Server: No such file or directory found" and couldn't connect to
socket /var/Pg.5432.
Sorry for not having the exact output.

Abdulrahman Alotaibi
