Thread: BUG #10870: digest crypto function

BUG #10870: digest crypto function

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      10870
Logged by:          Ramesh
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.3.3
Operating system:   windows 7

 I am new postgres,i have a problem with digest function.

i ran create extension pgcrypto; as super user

here ,logged in as super user
postgres=#select digest('hi','sha1');

i created devl database and user ramesh other then super user..

when i try same statement with diffrent users i'm not able to run ..
its return error like this way
ramesh=# select digest('hi','sha1')
ramesh-# ;
ERROR:  function digest(unknown, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: select digest('hi','sha1')
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need
add explicit type casts.

but super user its working correct..please let me know how to solve this

Re: BUG #10870: digest crypto function

hubert depesz lubaczewski
On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 5:04 PM, <> wrote:

>  I am new postgres,i have a problem with digest function.
> i ran create extension pgcrypto; as super user
> here ,logged in as super user
> postgres=#select digest('hi','sha1');
> digest
> --------
> 3xc232ccc323

Please note that you created it and used in database named "postgres".

> i created devl database and user ramesh other then super user..
> when i try same statement with diffrent users i'm not able to run ..
> its return error like this way
> ramesh=# select digest('hi','sha1')
> ramesh-# ;
> ERROR:  function digest(unknown, unknown) does not exist
> LINE 1: select digest('hi','sha1')
>                ^

And you can't use it in another database, because you created it in
"postgres" and not "ramesh". Just like tables, views, indexes - functions
also belong to database.

Just connect to ramesh database as postgres user (superuser), create
extension pgcrypto, and you'll be set.

Also - this is not a bug in PostgreSQL - please post to pgsql-general or
