
Kanitchet Vaiassava



PostgreSQL 9.3.3

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 x64


          I found that when I restored dumped database to another server. The restoration process (by pg_restore) was

error at REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW’s command and it noticed that “ERROR: function that materialized view used does not exists.”

However, the function is exits but in another schema (the materialized  view that occurred error is in schema name “account”, the function is in schema “public”) and I found that if Materialized view and function are in the same schema .. no problem and after restoration process is finished.

I ran REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW’s at pgAdmin’s SQL editor .. no problem.

So, I think the restoration process does not support when Materialized view and function are not in the same schema.


Sorry for very bad English Gramma.


Thank you




Tom Lane
Kanitchet Vaiassava <> writes:
> So, I think the restoration process does not support when Materialized view
> and function are not in the same schema.

Could you show us a self-contained test case for this problem?  That is,
a SQL script that creates a database that doesn't dump and restore

            regards, tom lane