Thread: BUG #9776: well formed json with embedd colon ':' causes error on copy

BUG #9776: well formed json with embedd colon ':' causes error on copy

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      9776
Logged by:          Larry Price
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.3.3
Operating system:   CENTOS

using a simple table with json datatype

   Table "test.testset"
 Column | Type | Modifiers
 tune   | json |

attempt to insert the following json (well formed according to jq, python
simplejson and other parsers

  "title": "Rinaldo : Act 1 \"Cor ingrato, ti rammembri\" [Rinaldo]",
  "track_id": "TRBBIYX128F1497FF2",
  "tags": [],
  "similars": [],
  "timestamp": "2011-09-14 11:38:47.924559",
  "artist": "Marilyn Horne"

attempting to insert using psql \copy


psql -U test -d test -c '\copy testset (tune) from stdin'
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type json
DETAIL:  Token "Cor" is invalid.
CONTEXT:  JSON data, line 1: ...BBIYX128F1497FF2", "title": "Rinaldo : Act 1
COPY testset, line 1, column tune: "{"artist": "Marilyn Horne", "timestamp":
"2011-09-14 11:38:47.924559", "similars": [], "tags": [], "..."

it seems to be stripping the escape sequences before the json is parsed.
Could be user error. But it appears that strings are not getting escaped
properly before being parsed as json, but only when the copy statement is
used. Other json from the same set gets properly inserted.

using insert with the same value works
insert into testset (tune) values ('{
  "title": "Rinaldo : Act 1 \"Cor ingrato, ti rammembri\" [Rinaldo]",
  "track_id": "TRBBIYX128F1497FF2",
  "tags": [],
  "similars": [],
  "timestamp": "2011-09-14 11:38:47.924559",
  "artist": "Marilyn Horne"
}' );
--- writes:
> [ backslashes disappearing from an input value ]

> it seems to be stripping the escape sequences before the json is parsed.
> Could be user error. But it appears that strings are not getting escaped
> properly before being parsed as json, but only when the copy statement is
> used. Other json from the same set gets properly inserted.

"User error" sounds about right to me.  What is producing the file you are
feeding to \copy, and is it familiar with the quoting rules for COPY
input?  In particular, the need for backslashes to be doubled?
See File Formats / Text Format, about halfway down this page:

            regards, tom lane