Thread: BUG #9759: whe extend some varchar cols to varchar(n) , index filenode disappear, and 58P01 ERROR

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      9759
Logged by:          digoal.zhou
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.2.4
Operating system:   CentOS 5.x x64

whe I use SQL "alter table ... alter column ... type varchar;" extend some
varchar(n) columns to varchar, and then i select the table , it's raise
58P01 error, and i use  select relname from pg_class where
pg_relation_filepath(oid)='$the_filenode', the relname is index on the
but this query plan is SeqScan, and one:
why index filenode is disappear?
why i not use index scan also raise the index not open, in plan parse need
open the index file?
This error is not raise all tables.