Thread: BUG #9026: National characters in the user profile name

BUG #9026: National characters in the user profile name

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      9026
Logged by:          Cezary Dowhan
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.1.11
Operating system:   Windows 7

During installation I get the following message: "Problem running
post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly. The database
cluster ..."

Log file contains the following fragment:

Called CreateDirectory(C:/Varico/VaricoPostgres2/Data)...
Called CreateDirectory(C:/Varico/VaricoPostgres2)...
WScript.Network initialized...
Called AclCheck(C:/Varico/VaricoPostgres2/Data)
Called IsVistaOrNewer()...
    'winmgmts' object initialized...
Executing icacls to ensure the ťukasz account can read the path
    Executing batch file 'rad41B42.bat'...
    ťukasz: Nie zosta?o wykonane mapowanie micdzy nazwami kont a
identyfikatorami zabezpiecze„.
Liczba plikôw przetworzonych pomy?lnie: 0; liczba plikôw, ktôrych
przetwarzanie nie powiod?o sic: 1.

Called IsVistaOrNewer()...
    'winmgmts' object initialized...
Ensuring we can write to the data directory (using icacls) to  ťukasz:
    Executing batch file 'rad41B42.bat'...
    ťukasz: Nie zosta?o wykonane mapowanie micdzy nazwami kont a
identyfikatorami zabezpiecze„.
Liczba plikôw przetworzonych pomy?lnie: 0; liczba plikôw, ktôrych
przetwarzanie nie powiod?o sic: 1.

Failed to ensure the data directory is accessible
Called Die(Failed to initialise the database cluster with initdb)...
Failed to initialise the database cluster with initdb

The following message:
Å¥ukasz: Nie zosta?o wykonane mapowanie micdzy nazwami kont a
identyfikatorami zabezpiecze„.

means in english:
"Å¥ukasz: no mapping between account names a nd security ids was done"

My user profile name is Łukasz. As it turned out, the problem stems from the
fact that the first letter of my user profile name is polish character: