Thread: BUG #7784: trouble with pl ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table
The following bug has been logged on the website: Bug reference: 7784 Logged by: Santiago Matiz Vasquez Email address: PostgreSQL version: 9.2.2 Operating system: MAC LION 10.7.4 Description: = CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION financiero.marchar(pidproducto int,pcant int,pnrocuenta int,pcedula character varying(20)) RETURNS character varying(100) AS $$ DECLARE valores inventarios.productos%ROWTYPE; mesa general.mesa%ROWTYPE; = nromesa int; valorTOTAL real; valorIVA integer; salida character varying(100); BEGIN /* = Busca dentro de la tabla de numero de cuenta la asociacion con la mesa si no la encuentra pone 0 */ SELECT * INTO mesa FROM general.mesa WHERE nrocuenta =3D pnrocuenta; IF (mesa.nrocuenta IS NULL) THEN nromesa :=3D 0; ELSE nromesa :=3D mesa.nrocuenta; END IF; /* consulta el valor del producto */ SELECT INTO valores * FROM inventarios.productos WHERE idproducto=3Dpidproducto; RAISE NOTICE 'valores.iva (%)', =EF=BB=BFvalores.iva; valorTOTAL :=3D valores.valor * valores.iva * pcant; = salida :=3D cast(valores.idproducto as character varying(5))|| '|' || valores.nombre || '|' || CAST(valores.valor AS character varying(10)) || '|' || CAST(pcant AS character varying(10)) ; /*crea el cargo*/ INSERT INTO financiero.cargos(valoru,idmesa,cedula,idproducto,cant,nrocuenta,valor_iva,= iva) VALUES (valorTOTAL,nromesa,pcedula,pidproducto,pcant,pnrocuenta,0,valores.iva); RETURN salida; = END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; execute : = select financiero.marchar(1,1,1,'1'); result: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "=EF=BB=BFvalores" LINE 1: SELECT =EF=BB=BFvalores.iva ^ QUERY: SELECT =EF=BB=BFvalores.iva CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function financiero.marchar(integer,integer,integer,character varying) line 31 at RAISE ********** Error ********** ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "=EF=BB=BFvalores" SQL state: 42P01 Context: PL/pgSQL function financiero.marchar(integer,integer,integer,character varying) line 31 at RAISE table : CREATE TABLE inventarios.productos ( idproducto integer NOT NULL, nombre character varying(200), valor integer, iva real DEFAULT 1.16, CONSTRAINT pk_producto PRIMARY KEY (idproducto) ) WITH ( OIDS=3DFALSE ); ALTER TABLE inventarios.productos OWNER TO dba;
smatiz wrote > The following bug has been logged on the website: >=20 > Bug reference: 7784 > Logged by: Santiago Matiz Vasquez > Email address: =20 > smatiz@ > PostgreSQL version: 9.2.2 > Operating system: MAC LION 10.7.4 > Description: =20 >=20 >=20 > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION financiero.marchar(pidproducto int,pcant > int,pnrocuenta int,pcedula character varying(20)) RETURNS character > varying(100) AS $$ >=20 > result: > ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "=EF=BB=BFvalores" > LINE 1: SELECT =EF=BB=BFvalores.iva > ^ > QUERY: SELECT =EF=BB=BFvalores.iva > CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function > financiero.marchar(integer,integer,integer,character varying) line 31 at > RAISE From what I can infer from my reading the function you shown here should work. As the example is not self-contained it is difficult to prove whether it is indeed correct or not. The error indicates that the statement "SELECT valores.iva" was attempted somewhere but that exact construct is not presen= t in the function shown. I am also not sure exactly where line "31" is in th= e supplied code. I suggest two steps to move along further: First, make sure that you are executing the function that you think you are= .=20 Search path issues may have cropped up somewhere and a previous, invalid, version may still be sitting around somewhere. Next (if necessary), try to narrow down, keep, and point out only the offending code and whatever is minimally necessary to make it execute. Unless the example provided is self-contained simply putting out the entire code without any commentary makes it more difficult for people to provide help. David J. -- View this message in context: 784-trouble-with-pl-ERROR-missing-FROM-clause-entry-for-table-tp5738676p573= 8698.html Sent from the PostgreSQL - bugs mailing list archive at writes: > RAISE NOTICE 'valores.iva (%)', valores.iva; I see a UTF8 byte order mark (BOM) in front of "valores.iva" there, which plpgsql is interpreting as part of the record name, so it doesn't find any matching variable. I'd be the first to agree that the error message isn't too helpful. But your text editor and your mailer didn't do you any favors either, if they hid that BOM from you. regards, tom lane