Thread: TYPE of TEMP table does not seem to get set

TYPE of TEMP table does not seem to get set

Bill MacArthur
Hello, I am hoping that I'm just missing some kind of syntax tweak, but after experimenting a bit, I cannot seem to get

I have a view "configurations.tp_transactions" which is a blend of many tables using INNER and LEFT JOINs. I want to
populatea temp table from which I can obtain the data and programmatically write queries to operate on that data using
certainPLPGSQL functions in a uniform fashion. I have several functions which all expect a single argument of the type

I am running 9.0.5 on CentOS 5 64 bit

Here is the schema of "configurations.tp_transactions"

network=> \d configurations.tp_transactions
       View "configurations.tp_transactions"
     Column     |         Type         | Modifiers
  id            | integer              |
  spid          | integer              |
  sponsor_mtype | character varying(5) |
  sponsor_spid  | integer              |
  membertype    | character varying    |
  trans_type    | smallint             |
  trans_id      | integer              |
  trans_date    | date                 |
  discount_amt  | numeric(6,2)         |
  cv_mult       | real                 |
  reb_mult      | real                 |
  comm_mult     | real                 |
  rebate        | numeric              |
  reb_com       | numeric(5,4)         |
  pp            | numeric(6,5)         |
  cap           | integer              |
  receivable    | numeric(8,2)         |
  ma_id         | integer              |
  ma_spid       | integer              |
  ma_mtype      | character varying(5) |
  amount        | numeric              |
  pp_value      | numeric              |

network=> SELECT * INTO TEMP TABLE myt
FROM configurations.tp_transactions
WHERE membertype <> 'x'
AND configurations.tp_transactions.trans_id IN (920787);

network=> \d myt
               Table "pg_temp_47.myt"
     Column     |         Type         | Modifiers
  id            | integer              |
  spid          | integer              |
  sponsor_mtype | character varying(5) |
  sponsor_spid  | integer              |
  membertype    | character varying    |
  trans_type    | smallint             |
  trans_id      | integer              |
  trans_date    | date                 |
  discount_amt  | numeric(6,2)         |
  cv_mult       | real                 |
  reb_mult      | real                 |
  comm_mult     | real                 |
  rebate        | numeric              |
  reb_com       | numeric(5,4)         |
  pp            | numeric(6,5)         |
  cap           | integer              |
  receivable    | numeric(8,2)         |
  ma_id         | integer              |
  ma_spid       | integer              |
  ma_mtype      | character varying(5) |
  amount        | numeric              |
  pp_value      | numeric              |

network=> \df configurations.myself
                                   List of functions
      Schema     |  Name  | Result data type |      Argument data types       |  Type
  configurations | myself | integer          | configurations.tp_transactions | normal
(1 row)

network=> select configurations.myself(myt.*) from myt;
ERROR:  function configurations.myself(myt) does not exist
LINE 1: select configurations.myself(myt.*) from myt;
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

network=> select configurations.myself(myt.*) from configurations.tp_transactions myt where trans_id=920787;
(1 row)

I also tried creating the temp table first using this syntax and then inserting into it, but function still did not
recognizethe type. 
network=> CREATE TEMP TABLE myt OF configurations.tp_transactions;
network=> \d myt
               Table "pg_temp_11.myt"
     Column     |         Type         | Modifiers
  id            | integer              |
  spid          | integer              |
  sponsor_mtype | character varying(5) |
  sponsor_spid  | integer              |
  membertype    | character varying    |
  trans_type    | smallint             |
  trans_id      | integer              |
  trans_date    | date                 |
  discount_amt  | numeric(6,2)         |
  cv_mult       | real                 |
  reb_mult      | real                 |
  comm_mult     | real                 |
  rebate        | numeric              |
  reb_com       | numeric(5,4)         |
  pp            | numeric(6,5)         |
  cap           | integer              |
  receivable    | numeric(8,2)         |
  ma_id         | integer              |
  ma_spid       | integer              |
  ma_mtype      | character varying(5) |
  amount        | numeric              |
  pp_value      | numeric              |
Typed table of type: configurations.tp_transactions

network=> insert into myt select * from configurations.tp_transactions where trans_id=920787;

network=> select configurations.myself(myt.*) from myt;
ERROR:  function configurations.myself(myt) does not exist
LINE 1: select configurations.myself(myt.*) from myt;
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

network=> select configurations.myself(myt.*) from configurations.tp_transactions myt where trans_id=920787;
(1 row)

Re: TYPE of TEMP table does not seem to get set

Tom Lane
Bill MacArthur <> writes:
> I have a view "configurations.tp_transactions" which is a blend of many tables using INNER and LEFT JOINs. I want to
populatea temp table from which I can obtain the data and programmatically write queries to operate on that data using
certainPLPGSQL functions in a uniform fashion. I have several functions which all expect a single argument of the type

I think you would need to create the temp table as a child of the main
table for this to work.  As you're doing it, the rowtype of the temp
table is independent of the main (and the fact that they happen to have
the same columns is NOT good enough to make it acceptable to a function
declared to take the main table's rowtype).

            regards, tom lane

Re: TYPE of TEMP table does not seem to get set

Bill MacArthur
On 4/16/2012 4:11 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Bill MacArthur<>  writes:
>> I have a view "configurations.tp_transactions" which is a blend of many tables using INNER and LEFT JOINs. I want to
populatea temp table from which I can obtain the data and programmatically write queries to operate on that data using
certainPLPGSQL functions in a uniform fashion. I have several functions which all expect a single argument of the type
> I think you would need to create the temp table as a child of the main
> table for this to work.  As you're doing it, the rowtype of the temp
> table is independent of the main (and the fact that they happen to have
> the same columns is NOT good enough to make it acceptable to a function
> declared to take the main table's rowtype).
>             regards, tom lane

I have tried this but no go:
network=# create temp table chl() inherits (configurations.tp_transactions);
ERROR:  inherited relation "tp_transactions" is not a table

This does not work either:
network=> CREATE TEMP TABLE myt OF configurations.tp_transactions;
network=> \d myt
               Table "pg_temp_11.myt"
     Column     |         Type         | Modifiers
  id            | integer              |
  amount        | numeric              |
  pp_value      | numeric              |
Typed table of type: configurations.tp_transactions

network=> insert into myt select * from configurations.tp_transactions where trans_id=920787;

network=> select configurations.myself(myt.*) from myt;
ERROR:  function configurations.myself(myt) does not exist
LINE 1: select configurations.myself(myt.*) from myt;
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

network=> select configurations.myself(myt.*) from configurations.tp_transactions myt where trans_id=920787;
(1 row)

Re: TYPE of TEMP table does not seem to get set

Bill MacArthur
On 4/16/2012 4:29 PM, Bill MacArthur wrote:
> On 4/16/2012 4:11 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Bill MacArthur<> writes:
>>> I have a view "configurations.tp_transactions" which is a blend of many tables using INNER and LEFT JOINs. I want
topopulate a temp table from which I can obtain the data and programmatically write queries to operate on that data
usingcertain PLPGSQL functions in a uniform fashion. I have several functions which all expect a single argument of the
>> I think you would need to create the temp table as a child of the main
>> table for this to work. As you're doing it, the rowtype of the temp
>> table is independent of the main (and the fact that they happen to have
>> the same columns is NOT good enough to make it acceptable to a function
>> declared to take the main table's rowtype).
>> regards, tom lane
> I have tried this but no go:
> network=# create temp table chl() inherits (configurations.tp_transactions);
> ERROR: inherited relation "tp_transactions" is not a table
> This does not work either:
> network=> CREATE TEMP TABLE myt OF configurations.tp_transactions;
> network=> \d myt
> Table "pg_temp_11.myt"
> Column | Type | Modifiers
> ---------------+----------------------+-----------
> id | integer |
> <snip>
> amount | numeric |
> pp_value | numeric |
> Typed table of type: configurations.tp_transactions
> network=> insert into myt select * from configurations.tp_transactions where trans_id=920787;
> INSERT 0 1
> network=> select configurations.myself(myt.*) from myt;
> ERROR: function configurations.myself(myt) does not exist
> LINE 1: select configurations.myself(myt.*) from myt;
> ^
> HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
> network=> select configurations.myself(myt.*) from configurations.tp_transactions myt where trans_id=920787;
> myself
> --------
> 12
> (1 row)
I also tried creating an explicit TYPE and changing a function to expect that as an argument type. Then after creating
thetemp table using "OF <new type>, I got the same result. Apparently there is no way to attach a type to a temp table
exceptto make it inherit from a real table. 

I have created a skeleton table from which I can create my temp table using INHERITS. Then I changed the argument data
typeon my function and it will now accept a row of data from my temp table recognizing the type. I am hoping to avoid
anyunneeded overhead related to the use of a real table as the parent, including replication, but there does not seem
tobe any way to avoid that possibility. 

Still not sure if this is a bug or not... don't know if it really should work the way I was expecting it to.

The final working solution... for now:

network=# create table work.tp_transactions
network-#  (id             integer              ,

INSERT INTO work.tp_transactions
FROM configurations.tp_transactions
WHERE configurations.tp_transactions.trans_id IN (920787);

network=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION configurations.myself(work.tp_transactions)

network=# create temp table myt () inherits (work.tp_transactions);

network=# select configurations.myself(myt.*) from myt;
(1 row)