Thread: BUG #6432: does not begin the installer

BUG #6432: does not begin the installer

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      6432
Logged by:          J Camphor
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.1.2
Operating system:   Windows 7 Ultimate sp1 64bit jp=3DJapanese

I get the postgresql-9.1.2-1-windows-x64.exe from

I locate it on my desktop and double click it.


But there is no splash image nor installer gui.

After moment, I check the Task manager of windows and cannot find out
postgres(installer) process.

So I cannot install PostgreSQL 9.1.2.

[My solution]

I have installed, off course, microsoft office 2007(japanese edition) on my
windows machine.

I change IME from "Office IME" to default one.

Installer display a splash image and works fine completely.

After install, I re-change/rollback IME setting and postgres works running.

[My expectation]

I want to install without changing IME setting.

9.1.1 installer does not have this problem.
