Thread: BUG #5855: pgstat wait timeout

BUG #5855: pgstat wait timeout

"Ondrej Pachner"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      5855
Logged by:          Ondrej Pachner
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.0.1
Operating system:   Debian GNU Linux - stable
Description:        pgstat wait timeout

all counters on zero and warning about wait timeout..

postgres=> SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database;
WARNING:  pgstat wait timeout
   datid   |      datname      | numbackends | xact_commit | xact_rollback |
blks_read | blks_hit | tup_returned | tup_fetched | tup_inserted |
tup_updated | tup_deleted
     11866 | template0         |           0 |           0 |             0 |
        0 |        0 |            0 |           0 |            0 |
0 |           0
     11874 | postgres          |           1 |           0 |             0 |
        0 |        0 |            0 |           0 |            0 |
0 |           0
 214340298 | eims_ejb_total_50 |           3 |           0 |             0 |
        0 |        0 |            0 |           0 |            0 |
0 |           0
         1 | template1         |           0 |           0 |             0 |
        0 |        0 |            0 |           0 |            0 |
0 |           0
(4 rows)


listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432
max_connections = 100
shared_buffers = 512MB
work_mem = 128MB
maintenance_work_mem = 256MB
effective_cache_size = 12288MB
default_statistics_target = 10000
log_destination = 'stderr'
logging_collector = on
log_directory = 'pg_log'
log_truncate_on_rotation = on
log_rotation_age = 1d
log_rotation_size = 0
log_min_messages = warning
log_min_duration_statement = 300
log_connections = off
log_disconnections = off
log_duration = off
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] '
log_lock_waits = on
track_counts = on
log_planner_stats = on
autovacuum = on
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 300
autovacuum_max_workers = 3
autovacuum_naptime = 1min
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 50
autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 50
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.2
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1
autovacuum_freeze_max_age = 200000000
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 20ms
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = -1
datestyle = 'iso, dmy'
lc_messages = 'cs_CZ.utf8'
lc_monetary = 'cs_CZ.utf8'
lc_numeric = 'cs_CZ.utf8'
lc_time = 'cs_CZ.utf8'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.simple'
custom_variable_classes = 'pljava'
dynamic_library_path ='$libdir:/usr/local/postgresql-9.0.1/lib/postgresql'

8CPUs, 16G of RAM, uname -a gives:
Linux tbdb-901 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Sep 16 16:32:15 UTC 2010 x86_64

Re: BUG #5855: pgstat wait timeout

Tom Lane
"Ondrej Pachner" <> writes:
> all counters on zero and warning about wait timeout..

Is the stats collector process running at all?  If not, is there
anything in the postmaster log to suggest why not?

            regards, tom lane