Thread: Data extraction via sql from postgres 8.2 to oracle9i.

Data extraction via sql from postgres 8.2 to oracle9i.

We look for Data extraction via sql from postgres 8.2 to oracle9i.
Postgres and oracle both are remote servers of solaries
Kindly suggest steps and drivers needed to perform the task.


Krishnakant Bagwe ,
| IBS-ITFLP | RCOM | ext :81390,
Cell : +91 9819578560 ,
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Re: Data extraction via sql from postgres 8.2 to oracle9i.

Robert Haas
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 2:04 AM,  <> wrote:
> We look for Data extraction via sql from postgres 8.2 to oracle9i.
> Postgres and oracle both are remote servers of solaries
> Kindly suggest steps and drivers needed to perform the task.

This doesn't sound like a bug to me, so you should probably choose a
more appropriate mailing list on which to ask this question.  You'll
probably have better luck if you provide a few more details about what
your setup is and what you're trying to do with it.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise Postgres Company