Thread: BUG #5058: [jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()

BUG #5058: [jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()

"Joseph Shraibman"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      5058
Logged by:          Joseph Shraibman
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.14
Operating system:   Linux
Description:        [jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()

I was trying to figure out why I was getting different results with sql I
was running through jdbc and running through psql.  I was able to fix the
bug by changing an executeUpdate() to an execute().  See attached code.

I ran this code with the latest 8.2 and 8.4 jdbc drivers against an 8.2.14

public class PgBug {

    transient protected Connection  conn  = null;
    static int verbose = 3;

    public PgBug() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException{
        // Load the driver

        conn  =  DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql:playpen",
"postgres", "");;
        System.out.println("jdbc version:

    private static StringBuilder toString(Object o, StringBuilder sb){
        if (sb == null)
            sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (o == null)
        else if (o.getClass().isArray()){
            Class c = o.getClass().getComponentType();
            if (c.isPrimitive()){
                int len = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(o);
                for(int i = 0; i < len ; i++){
                    sb.append(java.lang.reflect.Array.get(o, i));
                    if (i+1 < len)
                Object[] arr = (Object[])o;
                for(int i = 0; i < arr.length ; i++){
                    if (i+1 < arr.length)
        return sb;
    static java.sql.Statement getStatement(java.sql.Connection conn)throws
   static int getRsSize(java.sql.ResultSet rs)throws java.sql.SQLException{
        //if  ( ! rs.isBeforeFirst())
        //    throw new IllegalStateException("only call getRsSize on new
        if (!rs.last()) return 0;
        int ans = rs.getRow();
        rs.first(); rs.previous();  //reset pointer to before first row
        if  ( ! rs.isBeforeFirst())
            throw new java.sql.SQLException(" getRsSize(): Could not reset
        return ans;

     private static void printAnyWarnings(java.sql.Statement st,CharSequence
            java.sql.SQLWarning warn = st.getWarnings();
            if (warn != null)
               System.err.println("SQLWarning: "+warn.getMessage()+" from
sql: "+line);
        }catch(java.sql.SQLException e){}
    public static Object[][] getResults(ResultSet rs)throws SQLException{
        final int num_rows = getRsSize(rs);
        if (num_rows == 0) return new Object[0][0];
        final int cols = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
        if (false){
            String m = "getRes(): cols is "+cols;
        Object answer[][] = new Object[num_rows][cols] ;

        for (int i = 0 ; ; i++ ) {
            for (int j = 0 ; j < cols ; j++) {
                answer[i][j] = rs.getObject(j+1);
                if (verbose >= 3)
                    System.out.println("getResults() answer["+i+"]["+j+"] =
                if (answer[i][j] instanceof java.sql.Array)
                    answer[i][j] =
               else if (answer[i][j] instanceof
                    answer[i][j] = answer[i][j].toString();

        return answer;

    public int doUpdate(String line)throws SQLException{
    if (line == null)
        throw new SQLException (": line is null.");

    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    int ans = st.executeUpdate(line);
    return ans;
    public Object[][] doQuery(String pre_line, String line, String
post_line, boolean eu)throws SQLException{
        if (line == null)
            throw new SQLException ("doQuery: line is null.");

        boolean get_field_names = false;
        Statement st = null;
        if (pre_line != null || post_line != null){
        st = getStatement(conn);
            if (pre_line != null){
                if (eu)
        ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(line);
        Object[][] ans = getResults(rs);
        if (verbose >= 1)
            System.out.println("doQuery(): ans is: "+toString(ans, null));
        String[] fa = null;
        if (get_field_names){
            ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
            int cols = meta.getColumnCount();
            fa = new String[cols];
            for(int i = 1; i <= cols ; i++)
                fa[i-1] = meta.getColumnLabel(i);
        if (post_line != null){
        if (st != null)
        if (get_field_names){

        return ans;
    public Object[][] doQuery(String[] pre_line, String line, String
post_line)throws SQLException{
        if (line == null)
            throw new SQLException ("doQuery: line is null.");

        boolean get_field_names = false;
        Statement st = null;
        if (pre_line != null || post_line != null){
        st = getStatement(conn);
            if (pre_line != null){
                for(int i = 0; i < pre_line.length ; i++){
        ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(line);
        Object[][] ans = getResults(rs);
        if (verbose >= 1)
            System.out.println("doQuery(): ans is: "+toString(ans, null));
        String[] fa = null;
        if (get_field_names){
            ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
            int cols = meta.getColumnCount();
            fa = new String[cols];
            for(int i = 1; i <= cols ; i++)
                fa[i-1] = meta.getColumnLabel(i);
        if (post_line != null){
        if (st != null)
        if (get_field_names){

        return ans;
    private String getSeq(int num){
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for(int i = 0; i < num ; i++){
            if (i+1 < num)
        return sb.toString();
    void setup()throws SQLException{
        doUpdate("CREATE TABLE joa (jobid int, uids int[])");
        for(int i = 1; i < 15 ; i++){
            doUpdate("INSERT INTO joa VALUES("+i+",
        String q = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_to_japlcu_table(thearr
int[], jobid int) returns void AS $$\n"+
            " FOR i IN array_lower(thearr,1)..array_upper(thearr,1)
            "execute 'INSERT INTO japlc (jobid, uid) VALUES( ' || jobid ||
',' || thearr[i] || ');';\n"+
            "END LOOP;\n"+
            "$$ language 'plpgsql' VOLATILE ;";
    void doTest1(boolean eu)throws SQLException{
        String pre = " BEGIN; CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid int);
SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)  FROM joa; ANALYZE japlc;";

        Object[][] oaa =  doQuery(pre, "SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc;",
"ABORT;", eu);
        System.out.print(toString(oaa, null));

    void doTest2()throws SQLException{
        String[] pre = {" BEGIN;","CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid
                        " SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)  FROM
joa;","ANALYZE japlc;"};
        Object[][] oaa =  doQuery(pre, "SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc;",
        System.out.print(toString(oaa, null));

    void teardown()throws SQLException{
          doUpdate("DROP TABLE joa;");

    public static final void main(final String[] args)throws SQLException,
ClassNotFoundException {
        PgBug bug = new PgBug();

            System.out.print("tearing down (in case of previous bad
        }catch(SQLException e){
            System.out.println("nothing to do.");

        System.out.print("setting up...");

        System.out.print("running test 1a...");

        System.out.print("running test 1b...");

        System.out.print("running test 2...");

        System.out.print("tearing down...");


Re: BUG #5058: [jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()

Robert Haas
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Joseph Shraibman <> wro=
> The following bug has been logged online:
> Bug reference: =A0 =A0 =A05058
> Logged by: =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0Joseph Shraibman
> Email address: =A0 =A0
> PostgreSQL version: 8.2.14
> Operating system: =A0 Linux
> Description: =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0[jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()
> Details:

Based on the lack of response to previous JDBC/ODBC bugs on this list,
I'm guessing you should try posting this to pgsql-jdbc rather than


Re: BUG #5058: [jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()

Craig Ringer
On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 19:26 +0000, Joseph Shraibman wrote:
> The following bug has been logged online:
> Bug reference:      5058
> Logged by:          Joseph Shraibman
> Email address:
> PostgreSQL version: 8.2.14
> Operating system:   Linux
> Description:        [jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()
> Details:
> I was trying to figure out why I was getting different results with sql I
> was running through jdbc and running through psql.  I was able to fix the
> bug by changing an executeUpdate() to an execute().  See attached code.

While the test case is appreciated, it's not really that clear what's
expected to happen vs what happens, at what point things go wrong and
under what circumstances, etc. Looking at your code and your post, I
can't tell:

- If the code you've attached is before or after the change described
- Where the change is/was made
- Why
- What it actually does

There are also a couple of randomly commented-out bits of code that seem
odd, some code seems like unnecessary wrapper code in such a simple
example ( eg getStatement(...) ) and some of the code is downright
hairy. In particular:

  private static StringBuilder toString(Object o, StringBuilder sb)

cries out "use parameterized queries!". You're making life unnecessarily
hard for yourself, increasing SQL injection risk dramatically, and
giving yourself more to debug than you need by building queries as
strings including all parameters.

Perhaps you could pare down the code to that required to demonstrate the
issue and document the issue a little? Cut out unnecessary or duplicate
code (why are there two doQuery() implementations with mostly the same
code), drop any result-printing code etc if it doesn't help demonstrate
the bug you're reporting, remove commented out code and empty blocks,
and generally tidy things up so that the reader can read it to follow
your problem report, not puzzle out why your code does things how it

Above all else, make sure to provide an explanation of where the problem
you are reporting arises, what actually happens, what you expect to
happen instead, and what exactly you change to "fix" it.

It might help to turn detailed error logging on in the server and
capture the server error log for your "silent" query failure, too.

Craig Ringer

Re: BUG #5058: [jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()

Joseph Shraibman
Craig Ringer wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 19:26 +0000, Joseph Shraibman wrote:
>> The following bug has been logged online:

> While the test case is appreciated, it's not really that clear what's
> expected to happen vs what happens, at what point things go wrong and
> under what circumstances, etc. Looking at your code and your post, I
> can't tell:
> - If the code you've attached is before or after the change described
> - Where the change is/was made
> - Why
> - What it actually does

Look at the main method. I run 3 queries that should return the same
thing, but 1 time out of 3 it doesn't.
> There are also a couple of randomly commented-out bits of code that seem
> odd, some code seems like unnecessary wrapper code in such a simple
> example ( eg getStatement(...) ) and some of the code is downright
> hairy.

I started writing this example program based on my actual codebase in an
attempt to distill down to code that demonstrates the bug.  That's why
there was some extra stuff left in there.

> In particular:
>   private static StringBuilder toString(Object o, StringBuilder sb)
> cries out "use parameterized queries!". You're making life unnecessarily
> hard for yourself, increasing SQL injection risk dramatically, and
> giving yourself more to debug than you need by building queries as
> strings including all parameters.

This is supposed to be a simple example that demonstrates the bug, not
production code.  The toString() method above is used for printing out
the results, not constructing sql.
> Perhaps you could pare down the code to that required to demonstrate the
> issue and document the issue a little? Cut out unnecessary or duplicate
> code (why are there two doQuery() implementations with mostly the same
> code),

To demonstrate the bug. One works, one has a problem.

  drop any result-printing code etc if it doesn't help demonstrate
> the bug you're reporting, remove commented out code and empty blocks,
> and generally tidy things up so that the reader can read it to follow
> your problem report, not puzzle out why your code does things how it
> does.
Here is a simplified version. I've gotten rid of some of the dead code
and a doQuery() method and added some comments. :

import java.sql.*;

public class PgBug {

     private Connection  conn  = null;
     private static int verbose = 0;

     public PgBug() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException{
         // Load the driver
         conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql:playpen",
"postgres", "");;
         System.out.println("jdbc version:
     /** Converts this Object to a String. If o is an array recursively
calls for all elements of the array */
     private static StringBuilder toString(Object o, StringBuilder sb){
         if (sb == null)
             sb = new StringBuilder();
         if (o == null)
         else if (o.getClass().isArray()){
             Class c = o.getClass().getComponentType();
             if (c.isPrimitive()){
                 int len = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(o);
                 for(int i = 0; i < len ; i++){
                     sb.append(java.lang.reflect.Array.get(o, i));
                     if (i+1 < len)
                 Object[] arr = (Object[])o;
                 for(int i = 0; i < arr.length ; i++){
                     if (i+1 < arr.length)
         return sb;
     static java.sql.Statement getStatement(java.sql.Connection
conn)throws java.sql.SQLException{
     static int getRsSize(java.sql.ResultSet rs)throws
         if (!rs.last()) return 0;
         int ans = rs.getRow();
         rs.first(); rs.previous();  //reset pointer to before first row
         if  ( ! rs.isBeforeFirst())
             throw new java.sql.SQLException(" getRsSize(): Could not
reset pointer");
         return ans;
     private static void printAnyWarnings(java.sql.Statement
st,CharSequence line){
             java.sql.SQLWarning warn = st.getWarnings();
             if (warn != null)
                System.err.println("SQLWarning: "+warn.getMessage()+"
from sql: "+line);
         }catch(java.sql.SQLException e){}
     /** Convert a ResultSet into Object[][] */
     public static Object[][] getResults(ResultSet rs)throws SQLException{
         final int num_rows = getRsSize(rs);
         if (num_rows == 0) return new Object[0][0];
         final int cols = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
         Object answer[][] = new Object[num_rows][cols] ;

         for (int i = 0 ; ; i++ ) {
             for (int j = 0 ; j < cols ; j++) {
                 answer[i][j] = rs.getObject(j+1);
                 if (verbose >= 3)
answer["+i+"]["+j+"] = "+answer[i][j]);
                 if (answer[i][j] instanceof java.sql.Array)
                     answer[i][j] =
                else if (answer[i][j] instanceof
                     answer[i][j] = answer[i][j].toString();
         return answer;
     public int doUpdate(String line)throws SQLException{
    Statement st = conn.createStatement();
    int ans = st.executeUpdate(line);
    return ans;
     /** @param eu If true use executeUpdate() for the pre_line, if
false use st.execute() */
     public Object[][] doQuery(String pre_line, String line, String
post_line, boolean eu)throws SQLException{
         if (line == null)
             throw new SQLException ("doQuery: line is null.");

         Statement st = getStatement(conn);
         if (pre_line != null || post_line != null){
             if (pre_line != null){
                 //Here is where the bug is. Originally I was calling
st.executeUpdate(pre_line). No Exceptions
                 //happened and I assumed everything was dandy until I
realized that my results were wrong.
                 //The problem is that my temp table is not set up
properly when I do this.
                 if (eu)
         ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(line);
         Object[][] ans = getResults(rs);
         if (verbose >= 1)
             System.out.println("doQuery(): ans is: "+toString(ans, null));

         if (post_line != null){
         return ans;
     //Used by setup() below
     private String getSeq(int num){
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         for(int i = 0; i < num ; i++){
             if (i+1 < num)
         return sb.toString();
     void setup()throws SQLException{
         doUpdate("CREATE TABLE joa (jobid int, uids int[])");
         for(int i = 1; i < 15 ; i++){
             doUpdate("INSERT INTO joa VALUES("+i+",
insert_to_japlcu_table(thearr int[], jobid int) returns void AS $$\n"+
             " FOR i IN array_lower(thearr,1)..array_upper(thearr,1)
             "execute 'INSERT INTO japlc (jobid, uid) VALUES( ' || jobid
|| ',' || thearr[i] || ');';\n"+
             "END LOOP;\n"+
             "$$ language 'plpgsql' VOLATILE ;";
     void doTest1(boolean eu)throws SQLException{
         //Create a temp table, and use insert_to_japlcu_table() to
populate it with data from the joa table
         String pre = " BEGIN; CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid
int); SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)  FROM joa; ANALYZE
         //You can replace this sql with SELECT * to see the contents of
the temp table
         Object[][] oaa =  doQuery(pre, "SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc;",
"ABORT;", eu);
         System.out.print(toString(oaa, null));

     void teardown()throws SQLException{
           doUpdate("DROP TABLE joa;");
     void setServerLogLevel(String s)throws SQLException{
         doUpdate("set client_min_messages = "+s);
         doUpdate("set log_min_messages = "+s);

     public static final void main(final String[] args)throws
SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
         PgBug bug = new PgBug();

             System.out.print("tearing down (in case of previous bad
         }catch(SQLException e){
             System.out.println("nothing to do.");

         for(int i = 0; i < args.length ; i++){
             else if(args[i].equals("--verbose"))
                 verbose = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);

         System.out.print("setting up...");

         System.out.print("running test with executeUpdate(pre)...");

         System.out.print("running test with execute(pre)...");

         System.out.print("tearing down...");
The server log when run with  --serverloglevel debug5. You can see in
the ANALYZE output the different sizes of the temp table. Other than
that I don't see anything interesting.

LOG:  execute <unnamed>: DROP TABLE joa
ERROR:  table "joa" does not exist
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: CREATE TABLE joa (jobid int, uids int[])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(1, ARRAY[0])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(2, ARRAY[0,1])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(3, ARRAY[0,1,2])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(4, ARRAY[0,1,2,3])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(5, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(6, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(7, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(8, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(9, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(10,
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(11,
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(12,
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(13,
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(14,
insert_to_japlcu_table(thearr int[], jobid int) returns void AS $$
     FOR i IN array_lower(thearr,1)..array_upper(thearr,1) LOOP
    execute 'INSERT INTO japlc (jobid, uid) VALUES( ' || jobid || ',' ||
thearr[i] || ');';
    $$ language 'plpgsql' VOLATILE
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  BEGIN
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid int)
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)
FROM joa
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  ANALYZE japlc
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: ABORT
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  BEGIN
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid int)
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)
FROM joa
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  ANALYZE japlc
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: ABORT
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: DROP TABLE joa
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: select logtime from eventlog order by id desc
limit 1
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: DROP TABLE joa
ERROR:  table "joa" does not exist
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: CREATE TABLE joa (jobid int, uids int[])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(1, ARRAY[0])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(2, ARRAY[0,1])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(3, ARRAY[0,1,2])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(4, ARRAY[0,1,2,3])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(5, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(6, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(7, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(8, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(9, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(10,
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(11,
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(12,
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(13,
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(14,
insert_to_japlcu_table(thearr int[], jobid int) returns void AS $$
     FOR i IN array_lower(thearr,1)..array_upper(thearr,1) LOOP
    execute 'INSERT INTO japlc (jobid, uid) VALUES( ' || jobid || ',' ||
thearr[i] || ');';
    $$ language 'plpgsql' VOLATILE
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  BEGIN
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid int)
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)
FROM joa
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  ANALYZE japlc
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: ABORT
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  BEGIN
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid int)
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)
FROM joa
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  ANALYZE japlc
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: ABORT
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: DROP TABLE joa

LOG:  execute <unnamed>: DROP TABLE joa
ERROR:  table "joa" does not exist
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: set client_min_messages = debug5
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: set log_min_messages = debug5
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125327/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: CREATE TABLE joa (jobid int, uids int[])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125328/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: CREATE TABLE joa (jobid int, uids int[])
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125328/1/8, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(1, ARRAY[0])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125329/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(1, ARRAY[0])
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125329/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(2, ARRAY[0,1])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125330/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(2, ARRAY[0,1])
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125330/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(3, ARRAY[0,1,2])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125331/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(3, ARRAY[0,1,2])
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125331/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(4, ARRAY[0,1,2,3])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125332/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(4, ARRAY[0,1,2,3])
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125332/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(5, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125333/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(5, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4])
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125333/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(6, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125334/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(6, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5])
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125334/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(7, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125335/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(7, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6])
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125335/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(8, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125336/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(8, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125336/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(9, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125337/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(9, ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125337/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(10,
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125338/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(10,
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125338/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(11,
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125339/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(11,
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125339/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(12,
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125340/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(12,
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125340/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(13,
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125341/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(13,
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125341/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(14,
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125342/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO joa VALUES(14,
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125342/1/2, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
insert_to_japlcu_table(thearr int[], jobid int) returns void AS $$
     FOR i IN array_lower(thearr,1)..array_upper(thearr,1) LOOP
    execute 'INSERT INTO japlc (jobid, uid) VALUES( ' || jobid || ',' ||
thearr[i] || ');';
    $$ language 'plpgsql' VOLATILE
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125343/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
insert_to_japlcu_table(thearr int[], jobid int) returns void AS $$
     FOR i IN array_lower(thearr,1)..array_upper(thearr,1) LOOP
    execute 'INSERT INTO japlc (jobid, uid) VALUES( ' || jobid || ',' ||
thearr[i] || ');';
    $$ language 'plpgsql' VOLATILE
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125343/1/3, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>:  BEGIN
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125344/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  BEGIN
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>:  CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid int)
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid int)
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>:  SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)
FROM joa
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)
FROM joa
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>:  ANALYZE japlc
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  ANALYZE japlc
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  analyzing "pg_temp_12.japlc"
DEBUG:  "japlc": scanned 1 of 1 pages, containing 1 live rows and 0 dead
rows; 1 rows in sample, 1 estimated total rows
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: ABORT
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: ABORT
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>:  BEGIN
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125345/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  BEGIN
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>:  CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid int)
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  CREATE TEMP TABLE japlc (jobid int, uid int)
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>:  SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)
FROM joa
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  SELECT insert_to_japlcu_table(uids, jobid)
FROM joa
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>:  ANALYZE japlc
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>:  ANALYZE japlc
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  analyzing "pg_temp_12.japlc"
DEBUG:  "japlc": scanned 1 of 1 pages, containing 105 live rows and 0
dead rows; 105 rows in sample, 105 estimated total rows
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT count(*) FROM  japlc
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: ABORT
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: ABORT
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: DROP TABLE joa
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125346/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
LOG:  execute <unnamed>: DROP TABLE joa
DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
DEBUG:  drop auto-cascades to toast table pg_toast.pg_toast_1214500
DEBUG:  drop auto-cascades to type pg_toast.pg_toast_1214500
DEBUG:  drop auto-cascades to index pg_toast.pg_toast_1214500_index
DEBUG:  drop auto-cascades to type joa
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 26125346/1/12, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG:  exit(0)

Re: [JDBC] BUG #5058: [jdbc] Silent failure with executeUpdate()

Kris Jurka

On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Joseph Shraibman wrote:

> [when passing a multi-statement sql string to executeUpdate, if a
> statement after the first is a select, it is silently not fully
> executed.]

Running queries in executeUpdate is not allowed.  If you pass a plain
select to executeUpdate it complains:  stmt.executeUpdate("SELECT 1");

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: A result was returned when none was

The problem here is that we don't complain if it's not the first part of a
multi-part statement.  stmt.executeUpdate("/* */; SELECT 1") does not
produce an error, but should, which I believe is the bug in this case.

Since the JDBC driver knows it's going to complain if it sees a query
result during executeUpdate, it wants to avoid the possibility of the user
issuing a query which returns a giant dataset and having to process that
just to error out anyway.  So it passes the statements to the server with
an additional instruction to say, "I just want the first row back at this
time".  That way if it is a big query result we'll only get one row
instead of the whole thing.  The server can implement this by either
holding the whole resultset on the server or, as in this case, partially
executing the query and returning control to the driver to see if it wants
to continue executing it.  So your select is only partially executed,
getting run for only one row of the "joa" table rather than the whole
thing as you are expecting.

I intend to change the driver to error out in this case.

Kris Jurka