Thread: BUG #4817: Dump of 8.3 hstore not restorable to 8.4 (RECHECK)

BUG #4817: Dump of 8.3 hstore not restorable to 8.4 (RECHECK)

"David Blewett"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      4817
Logged by:          David Blewett
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.4beta2
Operating system:   Gentoo Linux
Description:        Dump of 8.3 hstore not restorable to 8.4 (RECHECK)

In testing the beta to see if my planner issues might be resolved, I ran
into a situation where the 8.4 pg_dump created a dump for the hstore contrib
module which would not restore against 8.4.

Here is the problem SQL:
-- Name: gin_hstore_ops; Type: OPERATOR CLASS; Schema: public; Owner:

    STORAGE text ,
    OPERATOR 7 @>(hstore,hstore) RECHECK ,
    OPERATOR 9 ?(hstore,text) ,
    FUNCTION 1 bttextcmp(text,text) ,
    FUNCTION 2 gin_extract_hstore(internal,internal) ,
    FUNCTION 3 gin_extract_hstore_query(internal,internal,smallint) ,
    FUNCTION 4 gin_consistent_hstore(internal,smallint,internal);

-- Name: gist_hstore_ops; Type: OPERATOR CLASS; Schema: public; Owner:

    STORAGE ghstore ,
    OPERATOR 7 @>(hstore,hstore) RECHECK ,
    OPERATOR 9 ?(hstore,text) RECHECK ,
    OPERATOR 13 @(hstore,hstore) RECHECK ,
    FUNCTION 1 ghstore_consistent(internal,internal,integer) ,
    FUNCTION 2 ghstore_union(internal,internal) ,
    FUNCTION 3 ghstore_compress(internal) ,
    FUNCTION 4 ghstore_decompress(internal) ,
    FUNCTION 5 ghstore_penalty(internal,internal,internal) ,
    FUNCTION 6 ghstore_picksplit(internal,internal) ,
    FUNCTION 7 ghstore_same(internal,internal,internal);

This generates the following errors:
ERROR:  RECHECK is no longer supported at character 131
ERROR:  RECHECK is no longer supported at character 136

I worked around this by installing the 8.4 version of hstore and ignoring
those particular errors. However, why would pg_dump generate syntax that
isn't supported any longer?

David Blewett

Re: BUG #4817: Dump of 8.3 hstore not restorable to 8.4 (RECHECK)

David Blewett
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 8:48 AM, David Blewett <>wrote:

> In testing the beta to see if my planner issues might be resolved, I ran
> into a situation where the 8.4 pg_dump created a dump for the hstore
> contrib
> module which would not restore against 8.4.

It looks like this relates back to the "Remove lossy-operator RECHECK flag?"
discussion [1] last April. That seemed to end with this decision:

> For the moment I have it doing #1, but it strikes me that that is only
> useful if 8.4 getsto release without having made any backwards-incompatible
> changes in pg_dump output, which is probably not better than a fifty-fifty
> bet.

Has there been any backwards-incompatible changes since then?

David Blewett


Re: BUG #4817: Dump of 8.3 hstore not restorable to 8.4 (RECHECK)

Tom Lane
David Blewett <> writes:
> It looks like this relates back to the "Remove lossy-operator RECHECK flag?"
> discussion [1] last April. That seemed to end with this decision:

>> For the moment I have it doing #1, but it strikes me that that is only
>> useful if 8.4 getsto release without having made any backwards-incompatible
>> changes in pg_dump output, which is probably not better than a fifty-fifty
>> bet.

> Has there been any backwards-incompatible changes since then?

Just to answer the question, I can't find any.  There have been plenty
of feature additions, and if you dump from an 8.4 database that's using
any of those features then the dump wouldn't reload into 8.3.  But using
current pg_dump to dump from an 8.3 database will produce a dump that
loads back into 8.3, AFAICS (and some simple testing with the regression
database supports that).

If we remove the RECHECK printout then this will stop being true ---
and worse, it will break silently and in a way that will only cause
you to get occasional wrong answers from your queries.

Even though we discourage people from using later pg_dumps to reload
into older servers, I'm not sure that I want us to loose that kind of
foot-gun on the world.  So there's still no good answer here.

            regards, tom lane

Re: BUG #4817: Dump of 8.3 hstore not restorable to 8.4 (RECHECK)

Tom Lane
I wrote:
> If we remove the RECHECK printout then this will stop being true ---
> and worse, it will break silently and in a way that will only cause
> you to get occasional wrong answers from your queries.

But actually, that only says it's a bad idea to drop RECHECK from the
pg_dump output.  It doesn't say that an 8.4 server has to throw error
when it sees RECHECK.  The way things are set up now, ignoring it seems
fairly failsafe.  The default assumption in 8.4 is that operators are
lossy, so the worst case consequence is that you waste cycles on
unnecessary rechecks.  You don't get wrong answers, even if you
neglected to update your opclass support code.

Off to make a proposal to pghackers ...

            regards, tom lane