Thread: 8.3.5: Query Planner takes 15+ seconds to plan Update or Delete queries on partitioned tables.

Linux, CentOS 5.2, Postgres 8.3.4, 8.3.5.  System tables and user tables li=
sted below have been VACUUM'd, ANALYZE'd and REINDEX'd.


Simple update / delete queries that hit a parent table fa=E7ade of a large =
partitioned database are taking 15 to 20 seconds to plan (and a couple ms t=
o execute).
Worse, the backend will consume about 7GB of memory while planning (measure=
d with top as: Resident memory - shared memory ; it is released after its d=
The particular update or delete has a where clause that causes it to only a=
ffect one table out of many, and going directly against the child table as =
named will parse and plan the query in less than 1ms and consumes very litt=
le memory.  Triggers / rules are not used to modify behavior at all.

Workaround:  Execute all queries against the table partitions, not the fa=
=E7ade.  Non-trivial for anything spanning more than 1 partition.

Table information and definitions at the end.

Queries below, run locally with \timing on.  The time it takes to explain t=
hem is the same as it is to execute, there is nothing special about the act=
ual explain process causing a delay.  I have simplified the case to minimal=
ist forms that demonstrate the issue.

Total tables in the system:
select count (*) from pg_tables;

Child tables of the table in question:
select count (*) from pg_tables where tablename like pp_logs%';

A simple select against one such table (a very small one).  ~1 sec to plan,=
 a couple ms to execute. No noticeable jump in memory use while planning.

explain analyze select att from log.pp_logs WHERE s_id=3D23 AND date=3D'200=
8-12-01' AND p_id =3D 3;
 Result  (cost=3D0.00..24.12 rows=3D3 width=3D1) (actual time=3D0.267..0.26=
7 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
   ->  Append  (cost=3D0.00..24.12 rows=3D3 width=3D1) (actual time=3D0.266=
..0.266 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
         ->  Seq Scan on p_p_logs  (cost=3D0.00..4.65 rows=3D1 width=3D1) (=
actual time=3D0.048..0.048 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
               Filter: ((s_id =3D 23) AND (date =3D '2008-12-01'::date) AND=
 (p_id =3D 3))
         ->  Seq Scan on p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01 p_p_logs  (cost=3D0.00..19=
.47 rows=3D2 width=3D1) (actual time=3D0.218..0.218 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
               Filter: ((s_id =3D 23) AND (date =3D '2008-12-01'::date) AND=
 (p_id =3D 3))
 Total runtime: 4.393 ms
(7 rows)

Time: 1134.866 ms

The same in an UPDATE form, 20 seconds to plan, a couple ms to execute. 7GB=
 of memory used while planning (then released).
The memory and time consumed does not differ for explain versus explain ana=

explain analyze UPDATE log.p_p_logs SET att=3Dtrue
 WHERE s_id=3D23 AND date=3D'2008-12-01' AND p_id =3D 3::int;
 Append  (cost=3D0.00..24.12 rows=3D3 width=3D181) (actual time=3D0.269..0.=
269 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
   ->  Seq Scan on p_p_logs  (cost=3D0.00..4.65 rows=3D1 width=3D124) (actu=
al time=3D0.045..0.045 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
         Filter: ((s_id =3D 23) AND (date =3D '2008-12-01'::date) AND (p_id=
 =3D 3))
   ->  Seq Scan on p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01 p_p_logs  (cost=3D0.00..19.47 ro=
ws=3D2 width=3D181) (actual time=3D0.221..0.221 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
         Filter: ((s_id =3D 23) AND (date =3D '2008-12-01'::date) AND (p_id=
 =3D 3))
 Total runtime: 4.246 ms
(6 rows)

Time: 17194.092 ms

A DELETE form.  Similar to the above, uses ~ 6.7GB memory.
explain DELETE from log.p_p_logs WHERE s_id=3D23 AND date=3D'2008-12-01' AN=
D p_id=3D-321;
                                                   QUERY PLAN
 Append  (cost=3D0.00..24.12 rows=3D3 width=3D6)
   ->  Seq Scan on p_p_logs  (cost=3D0.00..4.65 rows=3D1 width=3D6)
         Filter: ((s_id =3D 23) AND (date =3D '2008-12-01'::date) AND (p_id=
 =3D (-321)))
   ->  Seq Scan on p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01 p_p_logs  (cost=3D0.00..19.47 ro=
ws=3D2 width=3D6)
         Filter: ((s_id =3D 23) AND (date =3D '2008-12-01'::date) AND (p_id=
 =3D (-321)))
(5 rows)

Time: 16680.702 ms

We have no triggers or rules for INSERT on the parent table fa=E7ade.  No r=
ules or triggers at all in relation to any partitioned tables, in fact.  Fo=
r INSERT we go directly to the child tables.  It would appear that we have =
to do this for DELETE and UPDATE as well, and SELECT is expensive too.  How=
ever, what seems most worrying here is how much more expensive, and HUGELY =
memory consuming it is for DELETE and UPDATE than SELECT.  I would expect a=
ll of these to have the same ~1 second of time to identify the candidate ta=
bles based on the table constraints.  But it seems like this table identifi=
cation process is somewhat slow for SELECT, and extremely bad for DELETE an=
d UPDATE.  Setting work_mem or maintenance_work_mem to 10MB does not change=
 the ~7GB of RAM used to plan the query (our current settings are 800MB and=
 400MB, respectively).

When we go directly to the partition corresponding to the query, there is v=
irtually no query planning time at all.  For example:

explain analyze SELECT att from p_log.p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01 WHERE p_id =
=3D 3;
                                                          QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01  (cost=3D0.00..17.34 rows=3D2 width=3D=
1) (actual time=3D0.125..0.125 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
   Filter: (p_id =3D 3)
 Total runtime: 0.148 ms
(3 rows)

Time: 0.861 ms

explain analyze DELETE from p_log.p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01 WHERE p_id =3D 3;
                                                          QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01  (cost=3D0.00..17.34 rows=3D2 width=3D=
6) (actual time=3D0.125..0.125 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
   Filter: (p_id =3D 3)
 Total runtime: 0.144 ms
(3 rows)

Time: 0.454 ms

explain analyze UPDATE p_log.p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01 SET att=3Dtrue
 WHERE p_id =3D 3::int;
                                                           QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01  (cost=3D0.00..17.34 rows=3D2 width=3D=
181) (actual time=3D0.119..0.119 rows=3D0 loops=3D1)
   Filter: (p_id =3D 3)
 Total runtime: 0.153 ms
(3 rows)

Time: 0.645 ms

Table definition, minus columns not in the above queries (about 12 other co=
lumns, unimportant here):
        Table "p_log.p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01"
       Column        |            Type             |   Modifiers
 s_id             | bigint                      |
 p_id          | bigint                      |
 date                | date                        |
 att        | boolean                     | default false
Check constraints:
    "p_p_logs_023_2008_12_01_check" CHECK (s_id =3D 23 AND date =3D '2008-1=
Inherits: log.p_p_logs

All ~6000 of the child tables are of this form, partitioned by one day, and=
 one s_id.
Scott Carey <> writes:
> Child tables of the table in question:
> select count (*) from pg_tables where tablename like pp_logs%';
>  count
> -------
>   6062

This is not a bug.  Please note the caveat in the fine manual, at the
bottom of

    All constraints on all partitions of the master table are
    examined during constraint exclusion, so large numbers of
    partitions are likely to increase query planning time
    considerably. Partitioning using these techniques will work well
    with up to perhaps a hundred partitions; don't try to use many
    thousands of partitions.

            regards, tom lane