Thread: BUG #4446: Full text search cannot start with an apostrophe

BUG #4446: Full text search cannot start with an apostrophe

"Ryan Wallace"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      4446
Logged by:          Ryan Wallace
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.4
Operating system:   Windows XP SP2
Description:        Full text search cannot start with an apostrophe

A tsquery cannot be created if the first character is an apostrophe:

SELECT * FROM text_search_vectors WHERE
text_search_vector @@ to_tsquery('''ksan&panel')

Error Generated:
ERROR: syntax error in tsquery: "'ksan&panel"
SQL state: 42601

Re: BUG #4446: Full text search cannot start with an apostrophe

Tom Lane
"Ryan Wallace" <> writes:
> A tsquery cannot be created if the first character is an apostrophe:

> SELECT * FROM text_search_vectors WHERE
> text_search_vector @@ to_tsquery('''ksan&panel')

That's not a bug, that's you not following the syntax rules for lexemes.
You'd need something like $$'''ksan' & panel$$ to represent a lexeme
with a quote in it.

            regards, tom lane