Thread: BUG #4424: Change PostGreSQL Password Affects
The following bug has been logged online: Bug reference: 4424 Logged by: Michael Ojukwu Email address: PostgreSQL version: 8.1 Operating system: Windows Server 2003 R2 Description: Change PostGreSQL Password Affects Details: Hello We are having an issue with changing a password to connect to the PostGreSQL database using the pgAdmin3 application. We are moving this application to a new server and have installed the WS_FTP Server on the new box. It works fine. The problem that we are experiencing is that the password for the PostGreSql server has been lost. We saw and article on how to change this password but how will WS_FTP Server communicate with the database if the password has been changed. What problems will this cause for this WS_FTP Server application setting? Will they communicate or is it something we have to do to get them back in sync? Thanks, Mike ref: