Thread: BUG #4368: problem with jdbc postgresql

BUG #4368: problem with jdbc postgresql

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      4368
Logged by:          devi
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: psql 8.2.4
Operating system:   windows xp
Description:        problem with jdbc postgresql

am using

jdbc3  --  postgresql-8.2-508.jdbc3
psql 8.2.4

its really much confusing in connectivity..please help me giving answers to
this question

1. where to save postgresql-8.2-508.jdbc3
(all have giving different ideas) to set the class path?is i have to download tomcate....

3.can you please give me a clear picture to set class
path with postgresql-8.2-508.jdbc3

4. how to run my java application files

Re: BUG #4368: problem with jdbc postgresql

Craig Ringer
devi wrote:

> its really much confusing in connectivity..please help me giving answers to
> this question
> 1. where to save postgresql-8.2-508.jdbc3
> (all have giving different ideas)
> to set the class path?is i have to download tomcate....
> 3.can you please give me a clear picture to set class
> path with postgresql-8.2-508.jdbc3
> 4. how to run my java application files

Your question does not describe a bug or problem with PostgreSQL or its
JDBC drivers.

Your questions are all covered in the documentation for the JDBC driver
and as a part of very basic Java use.

You should read:

Then, if you are still having problems, use Google to search for
information about your problem.

If you STILL cannot find the answer and the question is about PostgreSQL
and Java/JDBC, consider posting a question on the PostgreSQL JDBC
mailing list.

Craig Ringer