Thread: return query with set-returning functions

return query with set-returning functions

Robert Treat
we might have found a bug in postgres... first draft of bug report looks like

using 8.3.3, i have the following 2 plpgsql functions

reconnoiter=# \df stratcon.fetch_dataset
                                                                    List of
  Schema  |     Name      |            Result data type             |
Argument data types

 stratcon | fetch_dataset | setof stratcon.rollup_matrix_numeric_5m | integer,
text, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, integer, boolean
 stratcon | fetch_dataset | setof stratcon.rollup_matrix_numeric_5m | uuid,
text, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, integer, boolean

the second function takes a uuid, looks up an integer representation, and then
calls the first function. whenever I run it, I get the following error:

reconnoiter=# select * from
15:01:13-04','2008-08-11 15:01:13-04',500,'t');
ERROR:  structure of query does not match function result type
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "fetch_dataset" line 9 at RETURN QUERY

if i run the first function manually though, that function runs fine. looking
at pg_proc, the return types seem like they should be fine (same type, is a

reconnoiter=# select proname, proargtypes, proretset, prorettype from pg_proc
where proname = 'fetch_dataset';
    proname    |       proargtypes       | proretset | prorettype
 fetch_dataset |   23 25 1184 1184 23 16 | t         |      16905
 fetch_dataset | 2950 25 1184 1184 23 16 | t         |      16905

i even made a modified version to make sure the return type would match up
with the datatype:

CREATE or replace FUNCTION stratcon.fetch_dataset(in_uuid uuid, in_name text,
in_start_time timestamp with time zone, in_end_time timestamp with time zone,
in_hopeful_nperiods integer, derive boolean) RETURNS SETOF
    AS $$
  v_sid int;
  v_record stratcon.rollup_matrix_numeric_5m%rowtype;
  select sid into v_sid from stratcon.map_uuid_to_sid where id = in_uuid;
  if not found then
  end if;

    for v_record in  select sid, name, rollup_time, count_rows, avg_value from
stratcon.fetch_dataset(v_sid::integer, in_name, in_start_time, in_end_time,
in_hopeful_nperiods, derive) loop
    return next v_record;
    end loop;

---  return query select sid, name, rollup_time, count_rows, avg_value from
stratcon.fetch_dataset(v_sid::integer, in_name, in_start_time, in_end_time,
in_hopeful_nperiods, derive);
    LANGUAGE plpgsql;

in this case, the loop version works fine, even though I get an error with
return query. is there some limitation with return query and set returning
functions, or is this just a bug?

btw, table looks like this:
reconnoiter=# \d stratcon.rollup_matrix_numeric_5m
     Table "stratcon.rollup_matrix_numeric_5m"
   Column    |           Type           | Modifiers
 sid         | integer                  | not null
 name        | text                     | not null
 rollup_time | timestamp with time zone | not null
 count_rows  | integer                  |
 avg_value   | numeric                  |
    "rollup_matrix_numeric_5m_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (rollup_time, sid,

the full code for the int version of the function can be found at

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

Re: return query with set-returning functions

Tom Lane
Robert Treat <> writes:
> the second function takes a uuid, looks up an integer representation, and then
> calls the first function. whenever I run it, I get the following error:

> reconnoiter=# select * from
> stratcon.fetch_dataset('cfe2aad7-71e5-400b-8418-a6d5834a0386'::uuid,'inoctets','2008-08-04
> 15:01:13-04','2008-08-11 15:01:13-04',500,'t');
> ERROR:  structure of query does not match function result type
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "fetch_dataset" line 9 at RETURN QUERY

Works here after loading your schema dump, or at least it doesn't

treat-# stratcon.fetch_dataset('cfe2aad7-71e5-400b-8418-a6d5834a0386'::uuid,'inoctets','2008-08-04
treat'# 15:01:13-04','2008-08-11 15:01:13-04',500,'t');
 sid | name | rollup_time | count_rows | avg_value
(0 rows)

It's possible that I'm missing the failure for lack of suitable test
data, but right offhand I'd bet that the problem is that there are
dropped columns in your copy of stratcon.rollup_matrix_numeric_5m.
plpgsql has some shortcomings in dealing with rowtypes that contain
dropped columns ...

            regards, tom lane

Re: return query with set-returning functions

Robert Treat
On Monday 11 August 2008 21:38:38 Tom Lane wrote:
> Robert Treat <> writes:
> > the second function takes a uuid, looks up an integer representation, and
> > then calls the first function. whenever I run it, I get the following
> > error:
> >
> > reconnoiter=# select * from
> > stratcon.fetch_dataset('cfe2aad7-71e5-400b-8418-a6d5834a0386'::uuid,'inoc
> >tets','2008-08-04 15:01:13-04','2008-08-11 15:01:13-04',500,'t');
> > ERROR:  structure of query does not match function result type
> > CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "fetch_dataset" line 9 at RETURN QUERY
> Works here after loading your schema dump, or at least it doesn't
> complain:
> treat-#
> stratcon.fetch_dataset('cfe2aad7-71e5-400b-8418-a6d5834a0386'::uuid,'inocte
>ts','2008-08-04 treat'# 15:01:13-04','2008-08-11 15:01:13-04',500,'t');
>  sid | name | rollup_time | count_rows | avg_value
> -----+------+-------------+------------+-----------
> (0 rows)
> It's possible that I'm missing the failure for lack of suitable test
> data, but right offhand I'd bet that the problem is that there are
> dropped columns in your copy of stratcon.rollup_matrix_numeric_5m.
> plpgsql has some shortcomings in dealing with rowtypes that contain
> dropped columns ...

Ah, right, should have mentioned that.... I had suspected that too, and
reloaded the functions after finding a couple, thinking that would have been
enough, but I guess something more brute force is needed... do I have to
drop/recreate the table, or is there something a bit more friendly that can
be done.

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL