Thread: BUG #4320: Describe table on 8.2.9 server fail
The following bug has been logged online: Bug reference: 4320 Logged by: Alexandre Payment Email address: PostgreSQL version: 8.3.3 Operating system: Ubuntu Linux 8.04 Description: Describe table on 8.2.9 server fail Details: Connected to a 8.2.9 non-local server with psql version 8.3.3 and entering the following command (describe table t_ann): \d t_ann this error occur: ERROR: column t.tgconstraint does not exist LINE 3: WHERE t.tgrelid = '16627' AND t.tgconstraint = 0 When connect with psql version 8.2.9 the describe command work perfectly.
Dnia 22-07-2008 o 14:36:22 Alexandre Payment <> napisaÅ(a): I'm afraid that's what the warning: WARNING: You are connected to a server with major version 8.2, but your psql client is major version 8.3. Some backslash commands, such as \d, might not work properly. are for. -- ru
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On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 09:33:31AM -0400, Alexandre Payment wrote: > I was just hoping that basic commands like \d will be backward > compatible. Maybe I'm just too optimist. It would be cool, and I had read someplace about some works toward it, but it doesn't work that way now. But. Since you're using Ubuntu, you can install postgresql-client-8.2 package, and use psql from it. Best regards, depesz