Thread: BUG #3857: pg_restore -t tablename doesn't restore constraints of this table

BUG #3857: pg_restore -t tablename doesn't restore constraints of this table

"Jochen Schwarz"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      3857
Logged by:          Jochen Schwarz
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.6
Operating system:   Windows and Linux
Description:        pg_restore -t tablename doesn't restore constraints of
this table

pg_restore doesn't restore constraints if you only restore a table.

Here is a test-scenario:

create database test;

create table testtable ( id integer primary key );

test=# \d testtable
  Tabelle »public.testtable«
 Spalte |   Typ   | Attribute
 id     | integer | not null
    »testtable_pkey« PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

pg_dump -F c test >/tmp/test.dmp

drop table testtable;

pg_restore -F c -d test -t testtable /tmp/test.dmp

test=# \d testtable
  Tabelle »public.testtable«
 Spalte |   Typ   | Attribute
 id     | integer | not null

the primary key testtable_pkey is not restored!

pg_restore -F c -d test -I testtable_pkey is not working either.