Thread: BUG #3797: b4 msi installer fails when b3 is still installed

BUG #3797: b4 msi installer fails when b3 is still installed

"thomas haegi"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      3797
Logged by:          thomas haegi
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.3b3/b4
Operating system:   Windows 2003
Description:        b4 msi installer fails when b3 is still installed

probably due to the fact that the installer's version is tagged as 8.3 and
not 8.3bx, it won't allow you to install pgsql b3 and b4 side-by-side:

"Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this
version cannot continue. To configure or remove the exisitng version of this
product, use Add/remove Programms on the Control Panel."

it is hower possible to have 8.2 and install 8.2b4 side-by-side.

it would make beta-tests a bit more convinient (even more :)) if one
wouldn't have to install pgsql manually in a win32 environment when two beta
versions should run concurrently.

as a sidenote, the current win32 builds on do not have the
upgrade.bat file included although the readme.txt says so.
