Thread: unable to see other schemas besides public

unable to see other schemas besides public

Gabriel Ramirez

in a database I created a schema, but as superuser or as an user of that
schema I'm unable to see a listing of the schema contents. I'm running
postgresql 8.2.5, compiled via macports under Mac OS X 10.4.10 commands
and output follows:

soporte_misc=# create  schema test1;
soporte_misc=# create table test1.mytable (
  username varchar(64),
  rolename text
soporte_misc=# \z
                       Access privileges for database "soporte_misc"
 Schema |          Name          |   Type   |               Access
 public | numero_en_letra        | table    |
 public | numero_en_letra_id_seq | sequence |
(2 rows)

I was expecting the test1.mytable listed above

soporte_misc=# \z test1
Access privileges for database "soporte_misc"
 Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges
- --------+------+------+-------------------
(0 rows)

soporte_misc=# \z test1.mytable
Access privileges for database "soporte_misc"
 Schema |  Name   | Type  | Access privileges
- --------+---------+-------+-------------------
 test1  | mytable | table |
(1 row)

with \dt:

soporte_misc=# \dt
              List of relations
 Schema |      Name       | Type  |  Owner
- --------+-----------------+-------+----------
 public | numero_en_letra | table | postgres
(1 row)

soporte_misc=# \dt test1
No matching relations found.
soporte_misc=# \dt test1.mytable
          List of relations
 Schema |  Name   | Type  |  Owner
- --------+---------+-------+----------
 test1  | mytable | table | postgres
(1 row)

now creating one index:

soporte_misc=# create index myindex on test1.mytable(username);

soporte_misc=# \di
No relations found.
soporte_misc=# \di test1
No matching relations found.
soporte_misc=# \di test1.myindex
               List of relations
 Schema |  Name   | Type  |  Owner   |  Table
- --------+---------+-------+----------+---------
 test1  | myindex | index | postgres | mytable
(1 row)


so seems if one don't specified the schemaname.objects to list the
database don't return them, or maybe I'm missing a step after creating
the schema and objects to be able to list them.

granting all privileges on the schema and objects don't change the
output above. only once I was able to see the schemas and objects with a
normal user account (existing only in postgres) but now I'm unable to
reproduce that.

thanks in advance,


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