Thread: Permission denied for relation pg_ts_dict

Permission denied for relation pg_ts_dict

Steve Midgley

I'll do my best to describe what I did to get this error. I was able to
get the error several times (after completely uninstalling, deleting
all Pg folders and reinstalling). I was also able to stop the error
consistently by altering my install path (as described at the end). So
I think this is a replicable bug.

Background/context (probably irrelevant!): I use Pg with Ruby on Rails.
I have a set of Pg databases that get built by scripts (in Ruby).
Today, I built a new developer's machine (Thinkpad T42/WinXP sp2) and
installed Postgres 8.2.3 on it (I was am running 8.2.1 on my own
machine but figured they should use the newest release). I installed it
from the standard msi binary installer downloaded from your site.

Important context: B/c of this developer's role, I also installed three
options (by checking boxes in the installer) that aren't normally used
here (so they could research them):

"Fuzzy match" - named something similar
"pgtuplematch?" - something like that I can't exactly remember (and I
don't have another machine to reinstall Pg onto) - it's an option that
also permits matching strings.

(Now that Pg is installed on the machine and working, I can't run the
installer again and see the exact name of these options without
uninstalling Pg - so I apologize for being vague - drop me a line if
you can't figure out which three options I'm talking about).

Steps to recreate: After installing a scratch Pg with the above
modules, I created a user (non-SA) but with create database rights. I
created a new namespace. I created two databases owned by the new user
in the new namespace.

I ran some scripts to build tables, etc in one of the databases (all
went well) I don't think this matters much..

Error mode: Then I ran a pg_dump with these options:

pg_dump -i -U "[username]" -s -x -O -f db/development_structure.sql

I got an error message that contained this text, among other less
meaningful (to me) text:

Permission denied for relation pg_ts_dict

If I uninstalled and deleted all files for Pg, reinstalled but didn't
check the three module options listed above, I got no errors when
running pg_dump -- the pg_dump command runs fine.

I don't know if this bug appears in earlier versions of Pg too. At
least I think it's a bug.

Let me know if you can't replicate and I'll happily work with someone
to get it to happen. I could make it stop happening until I tried not
installing those three options.

Best regards and thanks for a wonderful product,


p.s. I tried to submit this to your bug reporting website but it kept
giving me an error: "Your email address does not appear to be valid" --
no matter what email address I entered! :)