Thread: BUG #2681: duplicate key violates unique constraint

BUG #2681: duplicate key violates unique constraint

"Jean Tourrilhes"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      2681
Logged by:          Jean Tourrilhes
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 7.4.7
Operating system:   Linux - Debian 3.1 (stable)
Description:        duplicate key violates unique constraint


       Debian 3.1 default Postgresql 7.4.7 install, standard configuration.
       Databases have been running for a few months. 7 of them, same
structure, different data. It is hit pretty much constantly with new data,
machine load ~0.50.
       After a few months, I tend to have internal database corruptions that
autovacuum can't fix (/var/lib/postgres inflates to huge size). In those
cases I just dump the content of the tables, drop the database, restart
Postgresql, recreate the database, and put back the content in it.
       Now, all the sudden, I get the errors in the 3 largest of my
databases. So, I do the backup/restore procedure. But, I immediately get
back the errors.
       Note that the table where I get the error is the biggest, with in one
instance 76911 records (backup file is 20MB). Casual inspection of the
backup file looks good, but you can bet I did not check each record

    So, this is the complete error :
# psql -U sdc_sophia sdc_sophia
sdc_sophia=> INSERT INTO server_history (rack_id, server_id, u, name,
time_added, time_lastseen, mac_address) VALUES
('7af135b7-faca-4e14-9b64-cbdfd848fea6', 'E01690010800E847', 37, NULL,
'2006-10-07T00:13:22Z ', '2006-10-07T00:13:22Z ', '');
ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "server_history_pkey"

     The offending table was created with :
CREATE TABLE server_history (
    record_n        serial                        NOT NULL    PRIMARY KEY,
    rack_id            character varying(36)        NOT NULL    REFERENCES rack ON DELETE
    server_id        character varying(36)        NOT NULL,
    name            character varying(15)        DEFAULT NULL,
    u                integer                        NOT NULL,
    time_added        timestamp with time zone    NOT NULL,
    time_lastseen    timestamp with time zone    NOT NULL,
    time_removed    timestamp with time zone    DEFAULT NULL,
    mac_address        character varying(12)        DEFAULT NULL

      The only other thing about that table is that there are a bunch of
indexes attached to it.
CREATE INDEX index_server_history_time_added ON server_history USING btree
CREATE INDEX index_server_history_time_removed ON server_history USING btree
CREATE INDEX index_server_history_server_id ON server_history USING btree
CREATE INDEX index_server_history_rack_id ON server_history USING btree
CREATE INDEX index_server_history_rack_id_u ON server_history (rack_id, u);

      From the look at it, I don't think the issue is in my code. Which is
why I defer to you guys...
      Note that I don't have too much time to spend on this issue, and my
plan is just to delete the history...



Re: BUG #2681: duplicate key violates unique constraint

"Jaime Casanova"
On 10/6/06, Jean Tourrilhes <> wrote:
> The following bug has been logged online:
> Bug reference:      2681
> Logged by:          Jean Tourrilhes
> Email address:
> PostgreSQL version: 7.4.7
> Operating system:   Linux - Debian 3.1 (stable)
> Description:        duplicate key violates unique constraint
> Details:

the  first thing you have to do is to upgrade at least to 7.4.13 (the
last release in that branch) and try again. Maybe the bug was already

Jaime Casanova

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
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to produce bigger and better idiots.
So far, the universe is winning."
                                       Richard Cook