Thread: relocation error :/usr/lib/ :undefined symbol krb5_cc_get_principal

relocation error :/usr/lib/ :undefined symbol krb5_cc_get_principal

"Reddy, Ashok Kumar P (GE Healthcare)"
Hello everybody ,
i am trying to install Postgressql 8.0 on rhll 2.4
i get this error . i hhave done everything possible.
Can someone help....
Hello Ashok,

Did you resolve this problem? We are also facing same problem. We
installed successfully, but after that when I try to using psql, it's
giving above problem. If you resolve this, pl let us know what's the
fix. Could u pl mail me to also.

thanks & regards
"Reddy, Ashok Kumar P GE Healthcare wrote:
> Hello everybody ,
> i am trying to install Postgressql 8.0 on rhll 2.4
> i get this error . i hhave done everything possible.
> Can someone help....
> Regards
> Ashok
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> <DIV><SPAN class=670392912-11092006><FONT face=Arial size=2>Hello everybody
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> <DIV><SPAN class=670392912-11092006><FONT face=Arial size=2>i am trying to
> install Postgressql 8.0 on rhll 2.4</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
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> <DIV><SPAN class=670392912-11092006><FONT face=Arial size=2>i get this error . i
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> <DIV><SPAN class=670392912-11092006><FONT face=Arial
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> <DIV><SPAN class=670392912-11092006><FONT face=Arial size=2>Can someone
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> <DIV><SPAN class=670392912-11092006><FONT face=Arial
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