Thread: BUG #2557: field`s default value not restored in big sql script

BUG #2557: field`s default value not restored in big sql script

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      2557
Logged by:          Boris
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.1.4
Operating system:   win 2000, freebsd
Description:        field`s default value not restored in big sql script

This sql script was created by pd_dump.
No error when i run this script to restore DB.
But table "auth"."access_flag" has wrong def value for "access_flag_id".
I think ii must be

From script it becomes nextval('access_flag_access_flag_id_seq'::regclass)

When I run a shot script to create this table - no problem. deff value is
correct for field "access_flag_id"

CREATE TABLE "auth"."access_flag_2" (
  "access_flag_id" SERIAL,
  "access_flag_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
  "comments" TEXT,
  "long_flag_name" TEXT,
  CONSTRAINT "access_flag_2_access_flag_name_key"
  CONSTRAINT "access_flag_2_pkey" PRIMARY KEY("access_flag_id")

1. Create db test
2. restore db from script by
psql -d test -U your_user_name -f dump.sql >123.log 2<&1

3. check if table "auth"."access_flag" has a field "access_flag_id" as PK
and has deff value nextval('access_flag_access_flag_id_seq'::regclass) (

I can reproduse this error on "PostgreSQL 8.1.4 on i386-portbld-freebsd4.9,
compiled by GCC 2.95.4" too.

any info you need upon req.
ICQ 176869864

Re: BUG #2557: field`s default value not restored in big sql script

Tom Lane
"Boris" <> writes:
> But table "auth"."access_flag" has wrong def value for "access_flag_id".
> I think ii must be
> nextval('auth.access_flag_access_flag_id_seq'::regclass).

> From script it becomes nextval('access_flag_access_flag_id_seq'::regclass)

This is not wrong, or at least you haven't provided enough info to prove
that it is wrong.  The display of a regclass constant is schema-aware.
Try doing \d on the table with search_path set to something that doesn't
include the auth schema ... does it show as auth.something then?

            regards, tom lane